

Kissing and cold sores

Updated: 12/23/2022
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11y ago

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Kissing can pass cold sores which are contagious. But cold sores are more likely to be passed when the person you're kissing has any signs of a cold sore.

So if you or your partner has a cold sore then avoid kissing on the mouth until the cold sore is completely gone.

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Can you get cold sores from kissing a dead person?

You won't get cold sores from kissing a dead person.

Are sores in the mouth contagious and can it be transferred by kissing?

Most mouth sores are not contagious except in cases of herpes simplex virus (cold sores). Cold sores can be spread through kissing or sharing items like utensils or lip balm. It's best to avoid kissing when you have an active cold sore to prevent transmission.

How many kissing diseases exist?

There are many from mononucleosis to cold sores..

Can you only get the virus by sharing of lip gloss if the person have the cold sores?

No, you can also get it by kissing.

Can you get aids form kissing someone with a cold sore?

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, isn't spread by kissing. Cold sores are caused by herpes virus, not HIV.

How can you get colesaws?

Do you mean cold sores? They are caused by the herpes simplex virus, (HSV) You only can get Cold Sores through personal contact, for example, kissing. I dont think there is any other way. Hope I helped? :)

What is the difference between a cold sore fever blister and herpes?

Canker sores an cold sores are not the same thing. Oral herpes is caused by a contagious virus. Cold sores can cause a lot of discomfort or pain and they affect the out side of the mouth. Canker sores are caused by bacteria and as far as I know they are not contagious. Canker sores are raise white slightly itchy masses that occuron the inside of the mouth.

Can making out with a person who gets canker sores give you canker sores?

No. I have canker sores and have never kowingly given some one canker sores. Canker sores are not caused by the same thing that causes cold sores and as far as I know they are not contagious. But to be on the safe side avoid kissing this person until their canker sores go away.

What can you catch by kissing someone?

You can potentially catch infections such as cold sores, mononucleosis (mono), and the flu by kissing someone who is infected. Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can also be transmitted through kissing if there are open sores or lesions in the mouth. It's important to practice good oral hygiene and be cautious about kissing someone who is ill.

Is a cold sore a form of hepatitis?

The herpes virus causes cold sores to appear.

Does french kiss produce any disease?

You can get cold sores and mono known as the kissing disease but otherwise I'm not sure of others.

Is it true kissing is healtly?

No, not really. You can catch cold sores ( herpes), get a cold or the flu from someone who is all ready sick, and recently I learned that dental cavities can be spread through kissing but on the positive side the chances of you having cavity lessens