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It makes sense that decreasing your oxygen usage by resting is a good thing when your heart is not getting enough oxygen. Sitting or lying down would decrease oxygen demand. Makes no sense to not lie down.

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Q: Just read that one should NOT lie down if you suspect you are having a heart attack Why?
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Can vomiting be a sign of a heart attack?

Vomiting will not necessarily relieve the pain caused by a heart attack. The best thing to do if you suspect of having a heart attack is to take an aspirin and call emergency services (911 in USA, 999 in the UK).

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Physicians monitor a patient's enzyme levels if they suspect that the patient is having a heart attack because changes happen over time in blood levels of heart enzymes indicate the heart muscle's health.

What is a type a heart attack?

Angina pectoris (also known as angina). This occurs when bloodflow is restricted due to the narrowing of the main arteries of the heart. Important Note: If you suspect someone is having a heart attack, call for ambulance immediately. Hope this helped:-)

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If someone is having a heart attack it is not safe to sedate the. Sedating a person while having a heart attack can cause them to die.

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First what you should do is contact 911 and then contact the administration.

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YES you can have a heart attack at anytime for any reason. You can have a heart attack for no reason at all.

How serious is a heart attack?

A heart attack is a very serious, life-threatening occurrence. A person suffering from a heart attack should seek immediate medical treatment if they believe that they are having a heart attack. Failure to do so in time or at all could lead to heart damage or even death.

Can a 13 year old have a heard attack?

Although it is not considered "normal" within the medical community for a 13 year old to have a heart attack, it ISpossible for anyone of any age, ethnicity, heritage, or gender to have a heart attack. However, when I hear of a young person having a heart attack, I would suspect that they have had heart and health problems throughout their life. Whether or not they knew of their heart condition before hand, is another story.

What does the heart not receive enough of when having a heart attack?

Blood and Oxygen.A heart attack which can cause death.

How can heart attack stop?

A heart attack is an extremely serious ailment that results from a blockage that prevents blood from getting to the heart. Heart attacks can be stopped through the use of drugs and surgery. If a person suspects they are having a heart attack, they should go to the emergency room immediately.

Why do physicians monitor a patient's enzyme levels if a heart attack has occurred?

Physicians monitor a patient's enzyme levels if they suspect that the patient is having a heart attack because changes happen over time in blood levels of heart enzymes indicate the heart muscle's health.