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It is normal for woman to have periods like that but if it makes you feel safe and comfortable see a doc

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Q: Ive had lower stomach pains off on and my periods normal for 3 days then brown and discharge is this normal as my periods normally last 7 days but seems a lot shorter and a bit weird should i see doc?
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Is eating chocolate let you know that your getting your period?

NO!Thats just stupid eating chocolate is not letting you know that your getting your periods. Stomach cramps, mood swings and discharge will let you know.hope i helped :)

What can be the problem if you have no periods and stomach cramps?


How big is a persons stomach?

A persons stomach is normally about the size of their fist.

Why women have back pain during every periods?

Painful periods in women is recognized as dysmenorrhea or more normally known as menstrual cramps, and can put in plain words in simple as menstruation with irregular pain, dull that happen in the pelvic area or lower stomach. Many women of childbearing age suffer from this type of troubles connected to pain and pain may begin before or throughout menstruation periods in women.

What could cause stomach fluttering but no missed periods?

some sort of std such as siphilous in your stomach lining

If you had two periods the month before and the next month your stomach gets hard and you have synthems of pregnancy what does that mean?

a hard stomach and twin periods in one month mean you have twins on board.

What would have happened if you had no stomach?

well, probably everyone would be shorter.

How exercise effect periods?

it will effect periods ,its sure bcoz when we are jumping it will make overflow it &feel stomach ache

What are pregnancy signs in 17 year old girls?

A bigger stomach and no periods :/

Why does an ostrich have a large stomach?

An ostrich has a large stomach to help digest the large amounts of food it consumes, which mainly consist of plants, seeds, and insects. The large stomach also allows an ostrich to store food for longer periods, as they may need to go extended periods without eating in the wild.

Haven't had periods for 2 months and have stomach is sore to touch?

Go and see the doctor

In what part of the digestive system do antacids work?

Antacids neutralise the acid made by your stomach. They are normally used where it is helpful to neutralise the acid made by the stomach. I.e, for acid reflux which causes heartburn. They product normally works in the area between the Sphincter at the top of the stomach and the Gut located at the base of the stomach.