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No. That is a normal practice that some men use. Other men may use toilet paper when it is available. Other men will shake the penis to get the last few drops off.

If a man is not circumcised he may need to wipe his foreskin when it is retracted.

Of course not! I do it all the time if any TP available. Less odor and keeps your underwear a lot cleaner.

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Q: It is unusual for men to dab or wipe his penis with his hand after pee in urinal to ensure his penis dry from excess urine?
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Is looking at a mans penis next to you at a urinal wrong?

i enjoy it

How do you ensure your penis and pant are free from urine after peeing?

By shaking the excess gently from it after peeing and washing with a little water or in the absence of water, dry with tissue.

How do boys pee in a urinal?

ok first of all this is a very wierd question but ok.... they pee out of there penis or peanuts, balls, wennie, dingy, whateva u call it.....

How do you ensure your penis is clean after peeing?

To ensure your penis is clean after peeing, simply shake off any excess urine and gently pat dry with toilet paper. It is also important to practice good hygiene by washing the area with soap and water regularly, especially before and after sexual activity.

What organ is primarily responsible for the removal of excess fluids in the body?

The kidneys are primarily responsible for removing excess fluids in the body through the production of urine.

What diseases can be the result of a bad diet?

You can get a very saw penis, due to the fat in the food that you eat it effects your Genitals and courses itching exsesive urinal problems and also makes a rash around your bum hole.

How do you ensure maximum penile growth?

You cannot. There's nothing you can do to increase the size of the penis.

Is a penis that is 6 inches limp big for a 14 year old?

No, Its unhealthy. Your penis is going to blow up ! Answer:, it will not blow up. You do have a large penis, and it will continue to grow until your around 18. It certainly isn't "un-healthy" just ....unusual!

You are 14yr old boy your friends keep taunting you on the size of your penis its at least 4down and 7 erect is this unusual for your age?

no its not the average penis size is 7 inches so maybe your friend taunts you because hehas a small penis or not quite your size

Can you pass gas through your penis?

No, passing gas through the penis is not possible. Gas is typically expelled from the body through the rectum and anus. If you experience any unusual symptoms related to passing gas through the penis, it is recommended to consult a medical professional for further evaluation.

Is it normel for a man to get a cut on his penis?

It can be cut like a finger or any other part. Most men are just more protective of their penis than their fingers. For the reason stated above it is definitely unusual, this means it is not normal.

How many penises can a boy have before it becomes harmful?

I think you misunderstand the definition of "penis". Look the word up on It would be VERY unusual to have more than one penis. Perhaps you are confusing "penis" with "orgasm". If so, then the answer is there is no fixed number of orgasms beyond which it becomes harmful.