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Mucus discharge is a normal part of a woman's fertility cycle. It is produced at the cervix, as an aid to, or prevention of, sperm migration and health. Occasionally the mucus will make its way out of the vagina, usually showing up in underwear or on toilet paper after wiping. Thick, cremay mucus is non-fertile doesn't help sperm live long or travel well thru the vagina/fallopian tubes. Maybe you've noticed more stretchy, clearer mucus halfway through your cycle...this is fertile-time mucus. The consistency of it helps sperm live longer and travel in your body as an aid to conception.

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20y ago
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13y ago

Very normal. You've nothing to be concerned about.

AnswerIf you have consistant white discharge, it is not "very normal". However, we all have discharge at some point in our lives, But there is no saying if its "Normal, or Irregular. It actually depends on your body. White discharge could vary from, Yeast infection, to a chance of you being pregnant.I advise you consult a doctor soon, but its nothing to spasm about. I'm 17 and things with all of our bodies happen, but its life! Hey, its better white, then green!Right? AnswerI have the same problem only my periods are now... 3days late! Hope you get it sorted and if it keeps happening then see a doctor.... it doesnt always have to be something bad but IF is it something you need to get sorted wouldn't you want to know sooner rather than later?!?!?!?!

good luck


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10y ago

No, your period isn't supposed to be creamy white paste.

Menstruation is the shedding of uterine lining so will be blood and uterine tissue. A creamy white paste suggests discharge, you get discharge every day as this is how your vagina stays lubricated and clean - discharge changes throughout your menstrual cycle.

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17y ago

No. Period should be red. Creamy white paste is cervical mucus.

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15y ago

sometimes that's how it can come out, that's normal

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Q: Is your period supposed to be brownish and gooey?
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Are you supposed to have brown blood on your first period?

In the first few days of your period it's the old blood coming out and that is always brownish. It gets lighter after that.

Why is period blood gooey?

Because it has blood clots and womb lining in it

How do you know if you get your period for the first time?

its brownish or red

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Old blood

Is something wrong with you if your period is red and brownish black?

Not at all. Bleeding red and or brownish black while on your period is perfectly normal because when its red its just blood obviously but if its brownish black its just discharge usually occurs near the end of your period but it happens in between that's nothing to worry about :)

Is it normal to have brownish discharge when you start your first period?

Yes it is.

What color should my period be?

Red or maybe even a brownish color

What is the period's blood color?

Red. Brownish red toward the end.

Signs about your period?

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What does brownish black blood mean as the first day of your period?

Brownish black blood on first day of your period is normal. This means that it is blood that may have stayed for a while in the urine folds or blood that was there for a while waiting to be released.

Is it normal to have stuff come out of you 3 days after your period?

Yes, I do it too, its a brownish color.