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No. Yogurts contain probiotics, which are bacteria that greatly aid the digestive system and process, so yogurt is actually pretty good for diarrhea.

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Q: Is yogurt bad for diarrhea
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Is it possible that too much frozen yogurt can have an adverse affect on the stomach?

There is alot of probiotic to frozen yogurt so it might cause diarrhea, but then again too much of anything is bad for you.

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No, yogurt has only been noted to assist in the alleviation of diarrhea.

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yogurt. It really helps. I had diarrhea for 2 weeks straight and i went to my doctor and my doctor recommend that i should eat yogurt everyday and it worked!

Is it ok for baby cats to eat flavored yogurt?

It is not okay for a baby kitten to have flavored yogurt. This can mess with the kittens stomach and give them diarrhea.

Is there bad fat in Greek yogurt?

no, greek yogurt is perfectly healthy

What is on sale to treat diarrhea in infants?

Pedialytle is generally considered to be a good over the counter remedy used to treat diarrhea in infants. yogurt is also a well known remedy to help infants with diarrhea.

What are some things you can eat to prevent diarrhea Besides Bananas Rice Applesauce and Toast?

Bananas Rice Applesauce and Toast (ie, the BRAT diet) is actually more useful is controlling diarrhea than in preventing it. Yogurt is very helpful in preventing diarrhea and can be useful in controlling it as well, depending on the cause of the diarrhea. Yogurt contains probiotics, which are "good bacteria" that are essential is helping to digest food and protecting our bowels from infection-causing bacteria. An imbalance in the good and bad bacteria in the intestines is a common cause of diarrhea, especially diarrhea associated with antibiotics. However, eating dairy may be contraindicated in some conditions causing diarrhea, so it is best to double check with a doctor. Probiotics can also be taken in supplement form. Depending on the cause of diarrhea, a doctor may suggest avoiding certain foods to prevent diarrhea. For example, many people with Crohn's disease can prevent diarrhea by avoiding raw fruits and vegetables.

What happens if you eat bad yogurt?

Yogurt generally isn't bad at all, unless it's expired and is then rotten.

What food should you eat to avoid diarrhea?

Soup. Yogurt which will replace or insure you have the right amount of bacteria in your system.

What foods should a diabetic eat after diarrhea?

One of the best foods for anyone suffering from diarrhea is yogurt with live, active cultures. In the case of a diabetic, one might want to use this type of yogurt with artificial sweetener instead of sugar. Fruit has fructose which is a sugar, but it is better than raw sugar.