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Hypogastric (pubic) region

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Effie McLaughlin

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Q: Is what region is the rectum?
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What abdominopelvic region contains the urinary bladder?

The urinary bladder is located in the hypogastric region of the abdominopelvic cavity. This region is also known as the pubic or pelvic region.

What abdominopelvic region is uterus locate in body?

The uterus is located in the pelvic region of the abdomen. It lies between the bladder and the rectum and is supported by ligaments within the pelvic cavity.

What is the lowest region of the large intestine?

The lowest segment of the large intestine is the anal canal.

Is it the rectum first or the anus?

the rectum

What are facts About Rectum?

the rectum is attractive

What are the specific regions and anatomical landmarks of the large intestine?

The large intestine consists of three distinct regions: 1) the cecum, 2) the colon, and 3) the rectum. The cecum is the first section of the large intestine below the ileocecal valve. The appendix is attached to the cecum. Since the colon (ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon) is the largest region of the large intestine, the term "colon" is often applied to the entire large intestine. The rectum (rectum, anal canal, and anus) is the final region of the large intestine and the end of the digestive tract

Which bowel is connected to the rectum?

The large intestine does connect to the rectum.

What is digested in the Rectum?

Nothing is digested in the rectum, the rectum is the final storage place for feces before they are excreted.

What is the last part of the large intestine?

The rectum.the rectum or the decending colon.

What is Cancer of the rectum?

Cancer of the rectum is the disease characterized by the development of malignant cells in the lining or epithelium of the rectum

Is the rectum in which intestine?

The rectum is at the end of the large intestine.

At the base of the rectum?

At the base of the rectum starts the anus.