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Late-Lyme disease is systemic disease that may affect many organs including heart, kidneys and liver. It also may cause electrolyte imbalance.

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Q: Is water retention related to Lymes disease?
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There are no known diseases ozone can cause. However there are many that claim ozone can cure diseases like Lymes disease and HIV in the same manner it is used to kill bacteria in our drinking water.

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People with heart disease may be more likely to have side effects such as water retention and heart rhythm problems when they take these drugs.

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What is the density and water retention level of alluvial soil?

Density is 123.5 lb/cf and the maximum water retention is 22.34%.

What kind soil is best for water retention?

Silty soil is best for water retention because it has fine particles that can hold onto water well. Clay soil also has high water retention capabilities, but it can become compacted and slow down drainage. Mixing organic matter into sandy soil can also improve water retention.

What cures water retention from methadone?

the sugar in the methadone or the salt content in it could cause water retention .

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Can insulin cause water retention?

Insulin does not cause water retention. Its main action is to move sugar into the cells where it can be used for energy.