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Q: Is water in urine or glomerular filtrate?
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When less glomerular filtrate is formed what kind of urine is formed?

less urine is formed

Difference between filtrate and urine?

Until the liquid reaches the renal pelvis, it is "glomerular filtrate," when it reaches the pelvis, it is called "urine"

What is used to form urine and requires a high blood pressure?

Glomerular filtrate

What percent of the glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed?

the nephrons produce approx 150 litres of glomerular filtrate per day 99% of which is reabsorbed to leave an average of 1.5litres of urine.

Glucose is found in glomerular filtrate but NOT in the urine because?

glucose is transported back into the bloodstream

What happens to the glomerular filtrate as it passes to the ureter?

As the glomerular filtrate passes through the renal tubules, it undergoes reabsorption of water, ions, and nutrients back into the bloodstream. Waste products and excess substances that were not reabsorbed are left behind and eventually become urine. The final urine then passes through the ureter into the bladder for storage and eventual elimination.

Why is there protein in the glomerular filtrate and urine?

The inflammation would increase the permeability of your glomeruli. This retraction of the epithelium will allow the larger protein molecules to go through the filtrate.

Glomerular filtrate is least likely to contain?

Large proteins like albumin are the least likely to be found in the glomerular filtrate, as they are usually too big to pass through the glomerular filtration barrier. On the other hand, small molecules like electrolytes, water, and waste products are more likely to be present in the glomerular filtrate.

How does ADH act upon the glomeruli?

ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) acts on the glomeruli by increasing their permeability to water. This allows for water reabsorption from the glomerular filtrate back into the bloodstream, reducing urine volume and concentrating the urine.

Glomerular filtrate is very similar to?

Glomerular filtrate is very similar to blood plasma in terms of composition, as both contain water, ions, nutrients, and waste products. However, glomerular filtrate lacks larger molecules like proteins that are typically retained in the blood due to their size.

What structure reabsorbs the most glomerular filtrate?

The proximal convoluted tubule reabsorbs the most glomerular filtrate, around 65-70%. This part of the nephron is responsible for reclaiming essential substances like glucose, ions, water, and amino acids from the filtrate back into the bloodstream.

Does the Glomerular filtrate has a composition similar to tissue fluid?

Yes, glomerular filtrate in the kidney is similar in composition to tissue fluid, as both are primarily composed of water, electrolytes, and small molecules that have filtered out of the bloodstream. However, glomerular filtrate also contains waste products that are being processed for excretion by the kidneys.