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In the US, 34% of the population is A-positive- just over one third. Second most common.

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no, it is a rare blood type

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Q: Is type A with RH negative common?
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Can I be ab negative and rh negative?

AB negative is a RH negative blood type.

Is it more common to be Rh- or Rh plus?

It is more common to be Rh-positive (Rh+) than Rh-negative (Rh-) in the general population. Around 85% of people are Rh+ while only about 15% are Rh-.

What Ethnic group has Rh negative blood type?

The Rh negative blood type is found in individuals of all ethnic backgrounds, but it occurs more commonly in people of European descent. It is less common in other populations, such as those of African or Asian descent.

Can an o negative mother and and A positive father produce and O negative child?

Yes. The father's phenotype is AO+*; the mother's is OO--.

Why is Rh negative blood so rare in the human population?

Rh negative blood is rare in the human population because it is a genetic trait that is not as common as Rh positive blood. The Rh factor is inherited from our parents, and the gene for Rh negative blood is less prevalent in the general population. This makes Rh negative blood less common compared to Rh positive blood.

Could type O mother and an A blood type father have an RH child?

type O and A is the type, you also have an Rh factor-either positive(meaning you have the factor) or negative(the Rh antigenis not present). All blood types can have a positive or negative rh factor so you need to know whether you and the father or RH positive or negative

What type of blood would you have if both your parents have RH blood type?

Rh is not a blood type by itself but is just one part of what makes up a blood type. There are two parts to blood typing: the ABO aspect and the Rh factor. One has blood type A, B, AB, or O, AND then is either Rh positive, or Rh negative. Hence why you hear blood types like A positive, O negative, etc. The positive/ negative is referring to the Rh factor. Rh positive is dominant, so one only needs one Rh positive parent so be Rh positive. Rh negative is recessive. If both parents are Rh negative, the child they have must be Rh negative as well. To know what blood type you could be, you need to know your parents' entire blood type.

Wanted to know the blood type rh negative?

rh negative is not a unique blood type. Rather, it means that the blood is missing the Rh factor that those with Rh positive blood. This is denotated by the word "positive" or "negative" that is said as part of the blood type, after the letter type, A, B, AB, or O.

Can you be O blood type and Rh negative"?

No, O blood type is always Rh positive.

What is an rh negative blood type?

A true rh negative blood type can receive blood for the universal donor known as type O. There would be no negative consequences of such sharing happening.

What is Rh?

Rhesus (Rh) factor is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells. If your blood has the protein, you're Rh positive. If your blood lacks the protein, you're Rh negative. Rh positive is the most common blood type.

Can a child born with rh negative blood type be the offspring of an o positive father?

Yes, a child born with Rh negative blood type can be the offspring of an O positive father if the mother is also Rh negative, as the Rh factor is determined by both parents' blood types. If the mother is Rh positive, the child may inherit the Rh negative trait from the mother and be Rh negative.