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There are four types of lupus. Cutaneous lupus, often called discoid, is lupus that affects the skin. Systemic lupus erythematosus affects the the body internally, damaging organs and joints. It is possible to have both. Drug induced lupus is caused by certain medications and subsides when the offending medication is withdrawn. Neonatal lupus occurs in newborn babies.

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15y ago
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11y ago

There are four types of lupus.

1. Discoid or cutaneous lupus which affects only the skin.

2. Systemic lupus erythematosus which affects the body internally.

3. Neonatal lupus which is rare and found in newborns whose mothers have lupus.

4. Drug induced lupus caused by medications. When the drug is withdrawn the lupus goes away.

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14y ago

Yes. There is lupus erythmatosis, and a couple others. If you want to know more, Google for lupus autoimmune.

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RA is rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks and destroys the joints. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can affect virtually any part of the body. Lupus does not destroy joints, but it does cause pain and inflammation.Rheumatoid arthritis does not cause lupus, but it is common to have more than one autoimmune disease in overlap.

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The medical textbook Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, 4th edition edited by Lahita is the definitive source. You can find it on line or in any decent medical library. The Lupus Book by Daniel Wallace, MD 4th edition is a comprehensive resource for lupus. It is based on the medical textbook but more accessible to lay people.

Do people die frum lupus?

Most cases of systemic lupus are mild to moderate. If the patient receives regular medical monitoring and follows their treatment plan, they can expect to live a normal life span. However, lupus can be fatal. 40% of lupus patients will have lupus nephritis or kidney disease. Untreated, it is usually fatal. If lupus attacks the liver one is more likely to die. Uncontrolled infection can be fatal. Lupus patients are twice as likely to suffer a cardiovascular event. Accurate statistics on lupus deaths are not available. If a lupus patient gets pneumonia and can't fight it and they die, the cause of death is listed as pneumonia. If they die of kidney failure from lupus nephritis, the cause of death is listed as kidney failure. And if they die of a heart attack or stroke, that is listed as the cause of death rather than atherosclerosis brought on by years or decades of inflammation. yeah, u could. but, that is not likely

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