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Q: Is there any link between Waardenburg syndrome and dyspraxia?
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Do men turn gay with asperger's syndrome?

There is no known link between sexual orientation and Asperger's syndrome.

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Answer to poor for you eh?

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see link

What is Barlows Syndrome?

Barlow's syndrome, also known as mitral valve prolapse, is a condition where the heart's mitral valve does not close properly, causing blood to leak back into the heart. This can lead to symptoms like chest pain, palpitations, and shortness of breath. Treatment depends on the severity of the condition, but may include medication or surgery.

Can Restless Leg Syndrome lead to Parkinson's disease?

While a history of Parkinson's Syndrome is used as one factor confirming the diagnosis of RLS, the link between the two is thought at this time to be incidental and not causal. So -- no. :}

What is a good link to find information about Down Syndrome Awareness Month?

Why not try the National Down Syndrome Society's site? I'll leave a Related Link.

What is tss toxic syndrome?

see related link

What is the history of hunter syndrome?

See the link below:

Where can you find information about Down syndrome?

The Down Syndrome Organisation of the UK has a wonderful website. To help you find out more about the syndrome, see the Related Link.

Is there a link between the ability of the liver to detoxify and diseases like Parkinson's Chronic fatigue syndrome Alzheimer's lupus and rheumatoid arthritis?

there is no such connection with RA.

Are men with asperger's syndrome more likely to be gay?

There is no direct link between having Asperger's syndrome and being gay. Sexual orientation and gender identity are complex and are not determined by a person's neurological condition. Each individual's sexual orientation is unique to them and can vary regardless of any other factors.

Can people with Asperger's Syndrome have seizures or only people with severe autism?

A:Anyone can have epilepsy, so yes people with Asperger's syndrome could have it as easily as anyone. A:There is a link between seizures and autism spectrum disorders; one in four children with autism or Asperger's Syndrome will experience seizures.