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Q: Is there any link between Agent Orange from Vietnam and the disease Lupus?
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Is Agent orange a treated disease?

Agent Orange is not a disease but a substance used to remove leaves from trees used in the Vietnam war to expose the hidden Vietnamese soldiers.

What was the pesticide called that was used during the Vietnam war?

The herbicide that was used during the Vietnam War was Agent Orange, which contains a deadly chemical called dioxin.

Toxic chemicals used to destroy jungle in vietnam?

The defoliant Agent Orange .

You were in Vietnam in 1967-1968 and want to know if you were exposed to agent orange?

I want to know how to find out if I was exposed to agent orange in Vietnam

Where was agent orange shipped from?

agent orange ws shipped from the US into US Bases in Vietnam then they put the agent orange onto the helicopters then they launch the helicopters to spray the agent orange

Did agent orange contaminate vehicles after Vietnam?

Agent Orange destroyed living organism; vegetation/animal life.

Can agent orange make a Vietnam veteran sterle?

This is a 2001 number, but contact the Agent Orange Hotline at: 1-800-749-8387.

When did Vietnam kids get deformed?

Some theories are Agent Orange.

Where dos jif get their peanuts?

Vietnam and they are carrying Agent Orange

Does agent orange serving in Vietnam can cause ITP?


Is the color orange related to Vietnam in any way?

Agent Orange and Super Orange were the nicknames given to a herbicide and defoliant used by USA in the Vietnam War.

What government was in charge of agent orange?

Agent Orange was a chemical the United States used during the Vietnam war as an herbicide and defoilent.