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Diabetes is a serious disease and must be monitored by a doctor. Taking herbal and holistic medicines can be dangerous. Follow your MD'S plan. My mother in law tried herbals and her A1C went to 11.6 and her feet were so bad that they almost had to take some toes off. Don't play games with your health. (This certainly can happen and natural medicine can be dangerous if you are unfamiliar with how it is used and WHY it benefits your health.) People can also die under the care of main stream medicine. They have their legs cut off and lose their eyesight! They have heart attacks and a weakened cardio vascular system from taking medicines that are intended to prevent diseases associated with diabetes. The use of drugs can be beneficial but each patient is unique! Many patients do not wish to follow the discipline and protocol that is necessary to live on a minimum of drugs and insulin. These patients like to "sneak" a piece of birthday cake or slice of apple pie. They do not exercise or use the most beneficial exercises required for controlling the energy hormones within the body. A lack of discipline can short circuit the best of treatments! The medical establishment treats the patients according to their individual lifestyle and personal situation. You can not judge the value of any one particular treatment by the experience of any one patient. This is why the FDA conducts extensive tests before releasing new forms of treatment. A holistic approach can be much safer for your long term health if you have Type Two Diabetes. There are fewer side effects and risks to your long term health. Man made chemicals entering your body may cause some unintended consequences. Listen to the advertisements after the TV commercial. The side effects (spoken at a very fast pace so you will not pay attention) are much worse than the disease that they promise to cure! The medical profession is a wonderful support system for your health but it is not a panacea for all of your problems. Diabetics should always have their blood sugar monitored on a regular basis. One of the greatest benefits of the medical profession is its ability to provide analysis and testing in a laboratory. Natural medicine traditionally relies on the analysis of symptoms but today many naturopaths have access to the same lab testing as medical doctors. Did your mother walk at least 10 to 15 minutes daily after each meal? Did she participate in short, rigorous exercise at least three times each week? Did she eliminate ALL refined white flour and table sugar from her diet? Was she eating five servings of fruit and vegetables EVERY day? Was she cooking at least two servings of fatty fish every week? (Herring, Sardines, Salmon etc). How much "pasta" and spaghetti found its way to the dinner table? Were you eating whole fruits with high fiber or simply drinking liquid "fructose" aka fruit juices? Were you getting enough protein, eggs, and meat? Did you eat grass fed meat from animals that actually graze as nature intended or were these the typical commercial animals raised on grain products? Do you now consume large amounts of legumes such as lima beans, black beans, and navy beans? Beans are high in protein and build muscle tissue. Muscle is the largest metabolic organ in your body! It burns tons of energy and helps regulates excess blood sugar which can turn into dangerous fatty tissues. The body stores excess blood sugar as fat molecules. The more that body fat increases the less andiponectin you will have. This hormone is needed to burn off the fat! Excess fat also disrupts the insulin receptors in your body and causes insulin resistance. A high intake of simple carbohydrates, starches and sugar will destroy your metabolism! White rice typically used in gluten free (wheat free) products causes even more problems. Rice has a higher glycemic impact on blood sugar than refined wheat and maybe table sugar itself. A bottle of herbs was never intended to "cure" your mother's diabetes. Metformin is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle! Eventually, poor nutritional habits and a lack of proper exercise will defeat every form of medical treatment. Hospital patients without legs can tell you that modern drugs can not do what you should have been doing for yourself. Holistic medicine has a very important place in the treatment of diabetes and it does work if you work with it. You should incorporate all the elements of natural health into your life style and continue to monitor your diabetes with your health care providers. Many medical doctors practice holistic medicine in some form or another. They practiced what is called integrative medicine. You can also look for a naturopath and occasionally a traditional osteopath. The intelligent treatment of any disease requires discipline and research before you decide which course of action is most effective for you.

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Barberry, goldenseal, or Oregon grape, however red light laser will increase the circulation to the pancreas and may lead to a higher insulin production response.

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What kind of organism is insulin?

Insulin is not an organism. It is not alive. Insulin is a protein hormone that is active within our bodies. It is secreted by our pancreas after meals when our blood sugar levels are high and tells the cells in our body to take glucose from the blood and store it as glycogen.

What type of organelle would be in the greatest abundance if it were located in a very active area of an organism?

Islets of Langerhans organelles are abundant in the pancreas. They are endocrine cells that produce and secrete hormones into the bloodstream. Pancreatic hormones (insulin & glucagon) work together to maintain the proper level of sugar in the blood.

Is insulin a disaccharide?

No, insulin is not a disaccharide. It is a peptide hormone composed of two polypeptide chains linked by disulfide bonds. It is produced by the pancreas and plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels in the body.

What is the mature form of insulin?

The mature form of insulin is a peptide hormone composed of two peptide chains, A and B, connected by disulfide bonds. It is produced by the pancreas and plays a key role in regulating blood glucose levels.

What are the differences between liver and pancreas?

The liver functions to produce bile for digestion, store glycogen, filter toxins from the blood, and metabolize nutrients. On the other hand, the pancreas produces digestive enzymes and hormones like insulin and glucagon that regulate blood sugar levels. The liver is primarily involved in metabolism and detoxification, while the pancreas is important for both digestion and blood sugar regulation.

How was insulin discovered?

Insulin was discovered in Toronto, Canada in the summer of 1921. It was discovered by Frederick Grant Banting and Charles Best in a search for a cure for diabetes; insulin was discovered 4 months later. During the discovery phase, Dr. Banting and Charles Best worked alone to produce and test the drug on dogs. Dr. Bertram Collip and John J. R. MacLeod joined the team when insulin test worked and the purification stage started. Dr. Banting and John J. R. MacLeod were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1923 for their work and discovery of insulin. On January 23, 1922, the first successful test on a human patient with diabetes occurred. Insulin was given to dangerously ill Leonard Thompson, and his condition improved dramatically in just a few hours. The groundwork for the discovery of insulin, had been done by several other scientists before Dr. Banting and his team actually discovered it. In 1889, two Europeans, Minkowski and von Mering, found that when the pancreas gland was removed from dogs, the dogs got all the symptoms of diabetic people and died soon after their pancreas had been removed. Minkowski and von Mering proposed that the pancreas was crucial for sugar metabolism. Later experimenters narrowed the search to the Islets of Langerhans (clusters of specialized cells within the pancreas). In 1910, Sharpey-Shafer suggested that a single chemical was missing from the pancreas in diabetic people. He proposed calling this chemical insulin, and later the Dr. Banting and his team took him up on the suggestion. The molecular structure of insulin was determined in 1995 by Frederick Sanger. Insulin was the first protein to be deciphered. Human insulin was also the first human protein to be made synthetically. In 1996 the FDA approved a human insulin called Humalog, Humalog was specially developed to be active very quickly after injection.From:

Structure that produces most of the hydrolytic enzymes that are active in the small intestant?

The pancreas

How does insulin bring sugar down to normal levels after a meal?

insulin acts as a key to turn on the active transport of sugar across cell membranes.

Where are lipase and trypsin produced?

Lipase is produced primarily in the pancreas and small intestine. Trypsin is produced in the pancreas and released into the small intestine to aid in the digestion of proteins.

Why do transgenic bacteria that have the gene for human insulin produce insulin in great abundance?

Transgenic bacteria with the human insulin gene can produce insulin in large amounts because the bacteria are engineered to specifically express the human insulin gene when provided with the right conditions. This allows the bacteria to continuously produce insulin as they grow and replicate, leading to a high yield of the protein.

Which cells secrete insulin?

Insulin is secreted by beta cells in the pancreas, specifically in the islets of Langerhans. These beta cells are located in clusters within the pancreas and are responsible for producing and releasing insulin in response to changes in blood glucose levels.

Is insulin a quaternary or tertiary structure?

Insulin has a tertiary structure which is folded into a spherical shape. An insulin molecule comprises two chains of amino acids held together by disulfide bonds. This is the active state of the hormone.