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I did a advanced web search and it seems the treatment for gonorrhea can affect prexisting polycythemia vera but it doesnt appear to cause it. good luck joymaker rn

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Q: Is there any evidence that gonorrhea contributes to Polycythemia Vera?
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Related questions

What is a polycythemia vera?

Polycythemia vera-- An excess number of red blood cells in the blood.

Is polycythemia hereditary?

Polycythemia Vera is not hereditary Polycythemia Vera (PV) a rare and serious, blood disorder that can be deadly if not diagnosed and treated properly. Polycythemia Vera (PV) or Primary Polycythemia is a blood disorder in which bone marrow makes too many red blood cells. The symptoms of Polycythemia Vera are not visible for many years and it develops very slowly. Lots of people find out about their PV from blood tests done for other reasons. Go to the web for info on PV and the other rare cancers of the blood

How much blood is drawn in phlebotomy treatment of polycythemia vera?

Phlebotomy for polycythemia vera removes enough blood to keep the patient's hematocrit (proportion of red blood cells) below 45%.

Is polycythemia vera hereditary?

Polycythemia vera is not typically inherited, as it is considered a somatic mutation that arises in the bone marrow cells. However, there are rare cases where certain genetic mutations may predispose individuals to developing this condition. Overall, the majority of cases are not passed down from parents to children.

Major Classification of Polycythemia Vera?

Polycythemia vera is classified as a myeloproliferative neoplasm, a type of blood cancer characterized by the excessive production of red blood cells by the bone marrow. It is further classified as a chronic myeloproliferative disorder due to its slow progression over time. PV is also considered a myeloproliferative leukemia because of its potential to transform into acute leukemia in some cases.

What will polycythemia vera result in?

Overproduction of WBCs (white blood cells)

What does Polycythemia Vera do to the body?

Polycythemia Vera is a mutation in our bone marrow which affects our blood cell production. The blood cells in our body come in three types: the carriers, our red blood cells, the fighters, our white blood cells, and the healers, platelets, which are what creates the clots. Polycythemia Vera causes our bone marrow to create more of one of the types of blood cells.

What is the prognosis of polycythemia vera?

Polycythemia vera has a generally good prognosis with proper management. Without treatment, complications such as blood clots or leukemia can occur, affecting prognosis. Regular monitoring, medication, and lifestyle changes can help manage symptoms and reduce the risk of complications.

Who is not a candidate of being bone marrow donor?

Polycythemia Vera and Leukemia patients

What is another name for leukemia?

Cancer of the blood, Cancer of the bone marrow

How is Polycythemia Vera treated by Phosphorus 32?

Phosphorus 32 is no longer used in treatment of polycythemia vera because it has a relatively high rate of converting the illness into CML (a form of leukemia). Anyone still receiving this therapy ought to get a second opinion, since there are far less dangerous threatments available.

Why can't you donate blood if you have polycythemia vera?

Polycythemia Vera is the clonal expansion of red cells (primarily), white cells and platelets. Since PCV is a myeloproliferative disorder of unknown etiology, FDA guidelines require permanent deferral from volunteer blood donation. Patients with PCV may, however, donated blood for their own use (autologous donation).