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In an adult heart there should not be any direct connections between the two sides of the heart.

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Q: Is there any connection in an adult human heart between the left and right chambers?
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Does an amphibians have heart chambers?

Yes. An adult amphibian has a three-chambered heart.

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What's the wall between the two upper heart chambers?

The wall between the two upper heart chambers is called the septum

The heart contains how maney chambers?

4 chambers ... Within the adult heart are two parallel independent systems, each consisting of an auricle, or atrium, and a ventricle; from their anatomical positions these systems are often designated the right heart and the left heart.

How does blood move in an adult frogs circulatory system?

2 loops and a heart with 3 chambers

4 c in the hh?

i think it is 4 chambers in the Human Heart

What are the 2 chambers of the heart?

The heart is divided by a partition or septum into two halves. The halves are in turn divided into chambers. The upper two chambers of the heart are called atria and the lower two chambers are called ventricles. The atria receive blood returning to the heart from the body and the ventricles pump blood from the heart to the body. Valves allow blood to flow in one direction between the chambers of the heart.

How does blood move through an adult's circulatory system?

single loop and heart with two chambers, like that of a fish.

How heart chambers does a person have?

4 heart chambers

How many chambers does each type of vertebrae have in there heart?

Vertebrates have a 4-chambered heart, with two atria and two ventricles.

Are the atria are the lower chambers of the heart?

No. The lower chambers of the heart are called the ventricles. The atria are the top chambers of the heart.

What is the difference between an atrium and a ventricle in the mammal heart?

The atria are the two upper chambers and the ventricles are the two lower chambers.