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No, there is no way to speed-up or stop your period sooner than usual.

In reference to another answer - the contraceptive pill does NOT regulate periods, that is biologically impossible. Hormonal Birth Control stops the menstrual cycle all together, the bleeding people experience is a withdrawal bleed caused by the drop in synthetic hormones when going from active to inactive pills. Withdrawal bleeds may be lighter and shorter but that's not always the case, this is also not a good reason to use hormonal birth control given the various health risks involved.

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17y ago

Taking the contraceptive pill really helps to regulate and lighten periods. They will also be shorter and almost completely painless.

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Q: Is there a way to speed up your period to stop quicker than normal?
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Yes, a period can last for as short as one day, in which case it is normal.

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if your on your period before your date then go swimming so it might stop quicker, it depend if it's heavy or not if it's light it will stop but if it's heavy it won't work

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yes cus your a fricking slag

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Yes it is normal, some girls just get theirs, and some don't get theirs. It just depends on your body. You period might slow down and eventually stop all together on this shot. Once you stop getting the shot, your period should return back to normal, depending again on your body.