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Vasodilators help to treat the symptoms of cerebral vascular insufficiency and arteriosclerosis by increasing the blood flow in veins and arteries.

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Cerebrovascular disease can be treated surgically and/or with medications that thin the blood

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Q: Is there a treatment for Cerebral Arteriosclerosis?
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How can it be arteriosclerosis treat?

Arteriosclerosis is the build up of plague in the arteries. Treatment of arteriosclerosis can be achieved with cholesterol lowering drugs, and in severe cases surgery.

Why did Robert Lincoln die?

July 26, 1926 (aged 82) Manchester, Vermont, U.S. the cause of death was cerebral hemorrhage induced by arteriosclerosis

When did Willa Pearl Curtis die?

Willa Pearl Curtis died on December 19, 1970, in Los Angeles, California, USA of cerebral arteriosclerosis and diabetes.

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Physiotherpay for a child with cerebral palsy?

A child with cerebral palsy can start physiotherapy at just about any age. Talk to your child's physician about setting up one . Physiotherapy is classified as a non-medicinal treatment of cerebral palsy with the use of exercise, massage, heat, and other external means of treatment.

Do cerebral palsy patients feel pain?

Yes, some people with cerebral palsy do experience pain. There are treatment options available to lessen the pain.

Arteriosclerosis is a condition of hardening of the?

Arteriosclerosis is hardening of the arteries.

Is cerebral palsy deadly?

Cerebral palsy itself is not a deadly condition. However, some complications associated with cerebral palsy, such as difficulty swallowing or respiratory issues, can potentially lead to life-threatening situations. Treatment and management of symptoms are important in maintaining a good quality of life for individuals with cerebral palsy.

What are the three forms of arteriosclerosis?

atherosclerosis , monckeberg's arteriosclerosis, and arteriolar sclerosis

What are Three forms of arteriosclerosis?

atherosclerosis , monckeberg's arteriosclerosis, and arteriolar sclerosis

Arteriosclerosis can be described as?

Arteriosclerosis is a condition characterized by the hardening and thickening of arterial walls, leading to reduced flexibility and blood flow. This can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Treatment often involves lifestyle changes, medication, and in some cases, surgical procedures.