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There is no one specific test, especially not one that is available on the internet. If you think that you may have schizophrenia, you should see a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist will be able to diagnose you if you do have schizophrenia.

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Q: Is there a test you can take to see if you have schizophrenia?
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Residual schizophrenia is caused by a partial recovery from schizophrenia. For an explanation of what causes schizophrenia, please see the related question.

What can someone do when they have schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a treatable disease. Please see a mental health professional.

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To see how fit are you.

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you can take a test as soon as you are a day late on your period as this will then show hormones in your body.

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see link below "Can you have a paternity test while you are pregnant?"

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To make sure a licensed driver brought you to the road test.

What should you do if you exhibit several signs of schizophrenia?

If you exhibit several signs of schizophrenia, then you should see your general practitioner to obtain a referral to a psychiatrist or to dispel your concerns.

Do children with schizophrenia have different personalities?

Don't confuse Schizophrenia with 'multiple personality disorder'. the two are not the same. Schizophrenia can be described as dissociative disorder... where the sufferer may disconnect from reality. they hear things, see things, etc that aren't there.

How would you explain schizophrenia to a young child?

"Schizophrenia is a disease that makes you not be able to think very well. If you have schizophrenia, you might think that people are trying to hurt you even if they aren't. You also might hear or see things that aren't there."

How you can test that you are pregnant or not?

The easiest way to know if you are pregnant or not is to take a home pregnancy test or to see your Dr.