Maybe you have a UTI? (urinary infection)
UTI tests are designed to test for infection. If you want to know if you are pregnant, buy a pregnancy test or ask a doctor to test you.
You will just have more pee. I would not use it as a submission for drug testing.
Yes but it sounds more like you have a UTI.
maybe you have a UTI.
No, neither UTI nor antibiotics affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test.
you probably have a UTI (urinary tract infection)
You probably have a urinary tract infection (UTI), probably bladder UTI. Go to the doctor, or it can cause a kidney infection.
Pain when urinating is the biggest one. If it feels like shards of glass are sliding down your urethra when you pee, you've got a UTI.
No, you can also get a UTI by wearing nylon or spandex panties or by holding your pee too long. However, the most common way to get a UTI is by having sex, but the best way to try to prevent that is to pee immediately after finishing.
Sometimes. So if you really think ur pregnant then wait until the UTI is out of your sysytem and take a test.
She could have a UTI - take her to a vet and have her urine analyzed.