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Q: Is there a test for normal intelligence and mental retardation?
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What precautions are associated with the Stanford Binet intelligence scale?

.examiners should be cautious in using the test to screen very young children for developmental delays or disabilities. The test cannot be used to diagnose mental retardation in children aged three and under.

What precautions are associated with the Stanford-Binet intelligence scale?

.examiners should be cautious in using the test to screen very young children for developmental delays or disabilities. The test cannot be used to diagnose mental retardation in children aged three and under.

Why do they do a phenylketonuria test?

Because if it is left untreated it can cause brain damage and severe mental retardation

How do you Test for retardation?

WAIS IQ test is the most popular intelligence assessing scale. It measures vocabulary, arithmetic and visual-spatial capabilities. It takes into account general knowledge, social awareness and short term memories as well. Psychiatrists preferably use this scale to diagnose level of mental retardation in their patients.WAIS stands for Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. This adult IQ test claims to classify intelligence of human beings of 16-74 years old and above. The other two Wechsler scales are used for kids and children.

What are IQ standard scores?

100 is average. Below 70 is mental retardation and above 130 is mental giftedness. This is on the Stanford-Binet IQ test.

What is the crieteria of mental retardation?

There are three criteria for mental retardation. 1) IQ must be below approximately 70, as measured by an intelligence test, or in roughly the bottom 2% of the population. 2) This decline in IQ must interfere with the person's ability to function in daily life. For example, a person with mild mental retardation may have difficulty handling money, cooking for themselves, or taking medicine as prescribed. 3) Onset of these difficulties must occur prior to age 18. This is why, when a person develops these problems as a result of Alzheimer's Disease or other dementia, they are not described as mentally retarded.

What does 7.5 on an IQ test mean?

This would be an abnormally low IQ which would indicate mental retardation or an error in the test or an miss understanding of the question being asked by the person taking the test.

How does 70 points or below cause you to have a mental disability?

An Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test score of 70 or below does NOT cause you to have a mental disability. It is an indication of a mental disability based on the questions in the test and the answers provided by the person who took the test.

Who developed the first intelligence test?

The first test was invented by Baylor Delshprau in the year 1423!

Who would have been most enthusiastic about the value of a single intelligence test score as an index of an individual's mental capacities?

Early psychologists like Alfred Binet and Charles Spearman would have been most enthusiastic about the value of a single intelligence test score as an index of an individual's mental capacities. Binet developed the first intelligence test, while Spearman proposed the concept of general intelligence (g factor).

Developed the first systematic intelligence test?

Alfred Binet, in collaboration with Theodore Simon, developed the first systematic intelligence test in France in the early 1900s. The test was designed to assess a child's mental age compared to their chronological age. This test laid the foundation for modern intelligence testing.

Who would have been most enthusiastic about the vaiues of a single intelligence test score as an index of an individual's mental capacities?

Psychologists who support the concept of general intelligence (g-factor) would be most enthusiastic about using a single intelligence test score as an index of an individual's mental capacities. They believe that this score reflects an underlying intelligence factor that influences performance on a variety of cognitive tasks.