Autism is diagnosed by observation of the known characteristics in a person; there are several checklists and simple activities that can be used to aid this diagnosis either way. However, direct testing of an individual cannot define whether a person has autism or an autistic spectrum disorder, only whether it is not likely, likely or very likely that they do. This is because scientists are still not sure exactly what can and can't cause autism or ASD, and accordingly can't test for something whenthey don't know what to look for.
yes there are many tests for aspergers . there is one problem . getting a good score in a test does not mean you have aspergers . if you want to make sure that you have aspergers and you get a high score i suggest you sign up for a diagnosis . if you dont get a high aspie score its not likely you have aspergers and you shouldn't bother much . what a test says is not always true You could take an online test to give yourself an idea whether you could have Asperger syndrome, but to know for sure you would need to see a properly qualified professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, for a thorough assessment.
It is a more severe version of aspergers
Close, asburgeres sounds similar to aspergers. Asburgeres specifically does not exist but aspergers does. Other names for aspergers is asperger(s) syndrome and autistic psychopathy which is the original name for aspergers.
Aspergers is not a mentall illness it is not a diesease you can,t catch aspergers by being around someone with aspergers. People with aspergers are born with it. Although aspergers affects the way people think and veiw the world it is not a diesese. Recent aspergers studies have shown that in brains of people with aspergers there is a difference in the way the brain is wired and set up. and there have also been studies of aspergers brain waves and it showed the brain waves of people with aspergers differed from nerotypical brain waves. Just because people with aspergers think differently does not make them mentally ill there is a huge difference between the two.
You could have scored the highest score, or the lowest score, in either case it isn't really bad.
Aspergers Society of Ontario was created in 2000.
More often than not, a child is diagnosed with AS through observation rather than tests. The most popular test however would be the gillian AS test. It is very popular within schools and is usually the first test to be used.
Each person who has aspergers has a different personality, and aspergers manifests itself differently in different persons. So, probably, no one who has aspergers has all the symptoms, because the combination is different in each individual.
Aspie = Person with Aspergers Syndrome. It's friendly slang that those with Aspergers Syndrome use to refer to themselves. People without Aspergers Syndrome are referred to as NTs - Neurotypicals.
Aspergers is quite sorta... wierd. you can normally conversate and other things that non-aspergers people do but it's like seeing everything clearly but being behind a glass wall.