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Q: Is there a relationship between ear size and hearing ability?
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Why is there no relationship between ear size and hearing ability?

Ear size does not correlate with hearing ability because hearing ability is primarily determined by the health and functioning of the inner ear structures, such as the cochlea and auditory nerve, rather than the physical size of the external ear. The shape and size of the external ear, including the pinna, mainly help in collecting and funneling sound waves into the ear canal, but not in determining hearing ability.

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the relationship between grain size and strength can be determined by the Hall- Patch relationship of Strength of materials.

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No, they are unrelated.

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Temperature influences glacier size.

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Velocity x falling speed + the size of your junk

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This type of emphasis is known as proportion. Proportion is the relationship between different elements in a composition in terms of size, quantity, or scale. It helps to create a sense of harmony and balance in a work of art.