ADHD often has one other "side effect" that comes with it dyslexia is very common one but you can have dyslexia and not ADHD they don't come as a joint package.
Possibly Dyslexia.
she does not have dyslexia.
Dyslexia can go away. Well, it almost can go away. just "fak ei ttil' you make it".
Dyslexia schizophrenia does not exist. The two conditions, dyslexia and schizophrenia, are completely different.
Each dyslexic person's difficulties are different and vary from slight to very severe disruption of the learning process. There is no total cure but the effects of dyslexia can be alleviated by skilled specialist teaching and committed learning. On the positive side there is a hypothesis that the neurological anomalies also give some dyslexic people visual, spatial and lateral thinking abilities that enable them to be successful in a wide range of careers.
The boy struggled to read because he had dyslexia.
A positive side refers to an advantageous aspect or quality of something. It is a favorable attribute that contributes to a satisfying or beneficial outcome.
She has Dyslexia..... ;)
no its not severe dyslexia
yes he says " dyslexia yoda has"