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Yes, and since the new flu that caused the pandemic in 2009 (H1N1/09 "Swine Flu") there have been other new types identified (and even some new strains of avian flu have been identified) around the world. The viruses that cause the flu are mutating into new types of flu all the time. Cold viruses also mutate easily and quickly, this is a reason that vaccines can not be developed in time before they mutate again leaving the vaccine ineffective). Sometimes our immune systems have antibodies against older types of flu that will work to prevent the new types that are not that much different, but then other times the new influenza virus will have mutated into types for which our prior immunities will not be effective to prevent the new flu from making us ill. We will have to either get vaccines made as we did in 2009, or we will have to leave it to our bodies to make new antibodies that will block the new flu, but we will feel the symptoms of the flu in the interim.

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Q: Is there a new flu going around fall 2017?
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When is someone contagious of the flu?

Mostly around Fall and Winter.

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SWINE FLU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haven't you been listening to the news

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Has there been a new virus going around with severe sore throat cough NO fever headache stomach ache diarreah extreme fatigue?

That sounds like the classic symptoms of influenza. In the Northern Hemisphere, the flu season is upon us. It is time now, in the Fall of 2011, to ready for the flu season with an annual flu vaccination.

What is diffarance between swine and pig?

"Swine" is a term used to refer to any member of the pig family (Suidae), which includes domestic pigs as well as wild pigs. "Pig" is often used specifically to refer to domesticated pigs raised for food production or as pets. In general, the term "swine" has a broader application than "pig."

Was there a bird flu going around?

There was a disease that was affecting humans called 'bird flu' that caused a scare a few years ago but is now extinct. it was called bird flu because it was mainly affecting birds

How is flu season defined?

Flu season is the period of the year when the flu virus is most active and spreads to the most other people. It's usually considered to be Fall and Winter because that's when people are gathered inside more and spread the virus around more easily.

When did the flu come about?

Flu has been around as long as man has been around. The Flu virus is spread by humans and by birds.

When is the flu season in Pennsylvania?

During fall and winter.

Are you going to get the Swine Flu?

yes we are going to get the swine

I think there's a swine flu epidemic going around in my school because hundreds of kids are missing class what are the symptoms of swine flu?

fever, chills, aches, all the flu stuff. vomiting & diarrhea for some people, mostly kids.