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There is no link between thyroid problems and sciatica. There is link between parathyroid problem and sciatica.
No, there is no link.
Do you mean gallstones? The article in Wikipedia (see link below) begins: "In medicine, gallstones (choleliths) are crystalline bodies formed within the body by accretion or concretion of normal or abnormal bile component."
Make sure your doctor knows if you are planning to have any thyroid tests in the near future. Even after several weeks or months the results of the thyroid test may be affected by the iodine in this agent.http://www.iowaclinic.com/515-875-9000/iowa_clinic/micromedix/view_document/202997b.htm
A radioisotope of iodine is used for detecting thyroid problems because the thyroid gland absorbs and concentrates iodine. By administering a radioisotope of iodine, doctors can track its uptake in the thyroid gland using imaging techniques. This helps diagnose conditions like hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and thyroid cancer.
See the Related Link to a very good FAQ on the causes of Down syndrome.
Isthmusectomy is the surgical removal of a lobe and the isthmus of the thyroid gland. See the link, below.
it regulates metabolism and metabolism produces heat. its called the calorigenic effect.
Yes, thyroid dysfunction can potentially impact addiction. Thyroid hormones play a role in regulating mood, cognition, and behavior, all of which can influence vulnerability to addiction. Imbalances in thyroid function may lead to changes in these areas that could affect an individual's susceptibility to developing or overcoming addiction.
Most recently, thyroid cancer patients have been able to benefit from genetic testing for thyroid cancer. As ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc. writes, "Genetic testing of the RET proto-oncogene should be performed in all patients with MTC (medullary thyroid cancer) to determine whether there are genetic changes that predict the development of MTC. In individuals with these genetic changes, removal of the thyroid during childhood has a high probability of being curative."Related Article Link: Facts about Thyroid Cancer
there is not a link between
What is thyroid cancer?The thyroid is a gland that is located in the throat. It is responsible for producing hormones that control things such as breathing, metabolism, heartbeat and temperature. Thyroid cancer occurs when the cells in the thyroid gland begin to grow and divide abnormally.< /p>What are some of the symptoms of thyroid cancer?People who are in the early stages of thyroid cancer usually will not show any signs or symptoms. As this condition progresses, a person may experience difficulty swallowing, increased hoarseness in their voice and swollen lymph nodes. People who notice any symptoms should see a physician immediately.< h4> What causes thyroid cancer? Doctors have not been able to identify the exact cause of thyroid cancer. However, they do believe that a genetic mutation can increase a person's risk of developing it. They also believe that there is a link between radiation and exposure and thyroid cancer.What are some of the treatments available for thyroid cancer?Most people with thyroid cancer will have to get all or part of their thyroid removed. The physician may also elect to remove the lymph nodes in the neck. People who get their thyroid removed will have to a medication such as Levothroid and Synthroid. These medications supply the body with the hormones that thyroid normally produces.Radioactive Iodine treatment may also be recommended after a patient gets his thyroid remove. Radioactive Iodine is given in the form of capsule or liquid and it helps destroy the cancer that was not removed during the surgery. This procedure may also be recommended for people whose cancer has spread to other parts of the body.What can be done to prevent thyroid cancer?There really is not anything that can be done to prevent thyroid cancer. People who are at an increased risk for developing thyroid cancer because of their family history should see a genetic counselor. A genetic counselor may recommend that a person get his thyroid removed.