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Contact an agent and see only thing I can think of is perhaps an inland marine policy.

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Q: Is there a good insurance to cover your newly bought optical glasses for oversea student staying in US?
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where can I find insurance for our vacation rental unit?

Call the agent that handles your homeowner's or renter's insurance. You may be able to add to your existing insurance or even learn that your current insurance covers the rental for the time you are staying in it.

How can I obtain Vehicle insurance while visiting the US?

Insurance is regulated by state, so I would call an agent that is in the area where you will be staying most often.

My landlord said that the tenants are responsible for getting an insurance policy to cover against storm damage, flooding, etc. Is that true or is the landlord liable for that kind of insurance?

This varies from landlord to landlord. If you are staying in full fledged apartment, the insurance will be taken care of by the apartment owner itself. otherwise if you staying in independant house, we have take care of insurance cover for strom damage, flooding.

What are the underlining policies of a breakdown recovery insurance?

The underlining policies of a breakdown recovery insurance are: road side assistance, home start, relay and staying mobile. AA offer breakdown recovery insurance.

What is right of survivorship in insurance?

The pattern of continuing membership in an insurance plan. In a pension plan survivorship includes staying with the employer or organization sponsoring the plan and staying alive.

Will homeowners pay for theift while staying at their home?

Some homeowners may pay for theft for those staying in their home. Many homeowners insurance policies cover theft inside the home and the policy can be used to replace stolen items.

Why would one need international travel insurance?

It is always best to have travel insurance whether you are traveling internationally or staying domestic. If you happen to lose anything while on vacation and or the airplane looses your luggage and cannot find it then your insurance would kick in and they would cover your losses.

What services does Backpacker Travel Insurance offer?

It is a site that offers travel insurance for all types of travelers, whether staying at hotels or back packing around the world. It offers cost for different travel experiences. You can get insurance for all types of sports. It will give you a quote on line.

If I return back in Canada after 8 month staying in Mauritius will I lost my citizenship and my medical ansurance?

Agile Health Insurance makes it simple to choose, compare & apply online for affordable Health Insurance from leading Health Insurance Companies with ObamaCare options, Short-Term Health & Dental Insurance too! at/syDT1

If your 21 year old daughter will be staying with you and driving your car for two weeks does she have to be added to your insurance policy?

Contact your agent, but probably yes, as a temporary driver.

How much does medical insurance cost?

It all depends on who your buying from and what your medical record is like.It also depends on you are buying for whom, There are a lot of different options for the medical insurance.Now a day's it is very important to have medical insurance , so last month only i purchased medical student insurance for my son as he is staying away from us so he in need of this kind of insurance.

What is Past progressive of to stay?

The past progressive of "to stay" is "was staying" or "were staying" depending on the subject of the sentence. For example, "I was staying at a hotel" or "They were staying with friends."