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Go to a search site and search reflexology for inducing labour. there is a spot they say about four fingers above the inside ankle bone that can help induce labour and a spot in the webbing between the thumb and index finger. I hope that helps anyone.

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18y ago
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13y ago

Try these points on yourself, and if a contraction begins, stop the pressure. When the contraction stops, apply pressure again. Of course, avoid all of these reflexology points until you are past your due date - at least your 41st week. You certainly don't want to rush the baby before its time.

Inside Heel. Press this point just inside the heel of each foot. You can't mistake it when you have found the right spot because it should be quite tender.

Arch of the Foot. This point will also be tender, and it is located in the arch of the foot just in front of your heel. At no time should the pain be very intense, however. Your pressure should be firm, but apply less pressure at first if it hurts too much. You will no doubt find that as the tension releases, you can begin to apply more pressure and release deeper tension. This point is also very effective for dealing with the pain of intense contractions while you're in the delivery room. Be sure your partner knows this one!

Between the Big and Second Toes. This point is about one finger-width below the space between your big toe and your second toe. Again, when you have found the right spot, it will be tender.

Thumb Point. This point is probably the most effective one for inducing labor. It affects the pituitary gland, which releases oxytocin, the natural hormone in your body which is responsible for uterine contractions. Press firmly on the center of the thumb for at least three minutes. Then, switch to your other thumb.

Reflexology is also great during childbirth, and your partner will feel more helpful in the delivery room if he has learned these techniques. Applying pressure to any of these points will help to reduce your pain while keeping your contractions frequent and successful.

If you use both reflexology and acupressure points to speed your labor after your due date has passed you by, you are almost guaranteed to reach the delivery room more quickly and definitely more naturally.

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16y ago

Yes, you can. However, there are some acupressure points that should be avoided because they are associated with the reproductive system and overstimulation can induce labour.

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Theres lots of wise tales. What has worked for me is a good foot massage as there are known pressure points in the foot that can trigger labor. I just had my daughter 2 years ago and I had a foot rub at 11pm and was in active labor by 10 am the next morning. Sex can trigger labor especially with an orgasm. The wisetales are spicy food and a good walk.

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use tennis ball