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Q: Is there a disease that could cause blindness andor deafness over night?
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Is deafness hereditary?

Like allergies and birthmarks, deafness as a symptom by itself is not genetic. Deafness as a symptom of a disease which is genetic, is genetic.

How can cigarettes cause blindness with graves disease?

If you have the disease and accidentally stab yourself in the eyes with a lit cigarette....blindness may occur.

The greatest single cause of blindness in the world is?

Tracoma, a serious eye infection and the greatest single cause of blindness by an infectious disease.

What diseases may lack of carrot cause?

The main disease that lack of carrots can cause is blindness.

Does Canavan disease cause blindness?

Some people with Canavan disease may eventually become blind

What is the leading cause of deafness in infants?

CMV is a leading cause of congenital deafness.

Some bacteria strains may acquire resistance to antibiotics andor the ability to cause disease by acquiring what?

additional water from the environment

What are the causes of partial deafness?

what are the cause of partial deafness

What is sensorineural deafness?

Sensorineural deafness is decreased hearing or hearing loss that occurs from damage to the inner ear, the nerve that runs from the ear to the brain (auditory nerve), or the brain. Sensorineural deafness can be present at birth (congenital), or it can develop later in life (acquired) as a result of: Disease of the blood vessels (vascular disease) Immune disease Infections Injury Meniere's disease Multiple sclerosis Use of certain medicines Tumor In some cases, the cause is unknown.

Does wax in the ear cause permanent or temporary deafness?

temporary deafness