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Yes, the number of placentas (chorionicity) and amnions (amnionicity) depend on the stage at which the fertilized egg splits. The earlier the split, the more likely each fetus will have its own placenta and amnion. If the egg splits before or by day 3 - each fetus will have its own placenta and amnion resulting in a dichorionic diamniotic pregnancy.

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Q: Is there Dichorionic and diamniotic in MZ twins?
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Thin transparent membrane that separated a pair twins in utri is an indicator following modes of twinning?

The thin transparent membrane that separates a pair of twins in utero is typically indicative of diamniotic, monochorionic twinning. This means that the twins each have their own amniotic sac but share a single chorion. Twins that have separate chorions and amniotic sacs are known as dichorionic, diamniotic twins.

Can identical twins have separate sacs and placentas?

Yes, identical twins can have separate sacs and placentas, which is known as dichorionic-diamniotic twins. This occurs when the fertilized egg splits into two embryos early in development, resulting in each twin having its own sac and placenta.

How does the development of twins with two sacs and one placenta differ from twins with separate placentas?

Twins with two sacs and one placenta, known as monochorionic diamniotic twins, share a placenta but have separate sacs. This type of twin development carries a higher risk of complications compared to twins with separate placentas, known as dichorionic diamniotic twins. The shared placenta in monochorionic twins can lead to potential issues such as unequal sharing of nutrients and blood flow, which may require closer monitoring and medical intervention during pregnancy.

Do twins share the same placenta?

No, twins can either share the same placenta (monochorionic) or have separate placentas (dichorionic), depending on whether they are identical or fraternal twins.

What does diamniotic monochromatic twin pregnancy mean?

It means that the twins share the same placenta but different anemic sacs.

What are MZ and DZ Twin Pairs?

MZ (monozygotic) twin pairs are identical twins who develop from a single fertilized egg that splits into two embryos. DZ (dizygotic) twin pairs are fraternal twins who develop from two separate eggs fertilized by two different sperm cells. MZ twins share 100% of their DNA while DZ twins share around 50% of their DNA, like any siblings.

How is identical twins created in the mother's womb?

With identical twins, one egg (zygote) from the mother is fertilized by one sperm from the father, and then very early in development the embryo splits and two fetuses grow. Spontaneous division of the zygote into two embryos is not considered to be a hereditary trait, but rather a spontaneous or random event. If the zygote splits very early (in the first 2 days after fertilization) they may develop separate placentas (chorion) and separate sacs (amnion). These are called dichorionic, diamniotic (or 'di/di') twins. While all fraternal twins are 'di/di', this occurs 20 - 30% of the time in identical twins. Most of the time in identical twins the zygote will split after 2 days, resulting in a shared placenta, but two separate sacs. These are called monochorionic, diamniotic ('mono/di') twins.These twins are very similar genetically, and share a single afterbirth. Very occasionally, twins will also share the same sac (fluid cavity). In about 1% of identical twins the splitting occurs late enough to result in both a shared placenta and a shared sac. These are called monochorionic, monoamniotic ('mono/mono') twins.

What does research comparing the rates of schizophrenia in monochorionic twins and dichorionic twins suggest?

Concordance rates that suggested a role of genes in schizophrenia might more accurately be interpreted as a reflection of the influence of shared prenatal experience.

What does dichorionic mean?

Literally, having two chorions and two placentas -- used especially of human fraternal twins. That is to say, not identical twins growing in a single sac, but two completely separate fetuses with separate placentas.

Do twins who share the same placenta have a higher risk of complications during pregnancy compared to twins with separate placentas?

Yes, twins who share the same placenta (monochorionic twins) have a higher risk of complications during pregnancy compared to twins with separate placentas (dichorionic twins). This is because monochorionic twins are more likely to experience conditions such as twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and selective intrauterine growth restriction.

What will happen if the fertilised egg splits into two?

If a fertilized egg splits into two, it results in identical twins. These twins will share the same DNA and typically have similar physical characteristics. They can either develop separate placentas (dichorionic) or share a single placenta (monochorionic), depending on when the split occurs during development.

When was Mz. Bratt born?

Mz. Bratt was born in 1988.