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Q: Is the yersinia pestis the same as the yersin bacillus?
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Which microorganism was discovered by alexandre yersin?

The bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin (1863-1943) discovered the bacterial agent responsible for the bubonic plague (aka Black Death) in 1894. In his honor the organism is named Yersinia pestis. The organism was also independently identified in Japan that same year by Kitasato Shibasaburo.

What caused the plague in Venice?

Yersinia pestis.. the same bacterium that caused it throughout the rest of Europe.

Is the Black Death and Enterobacteria the same thing?

black death was caused by Yersinia pestis bacterium. While Enterobacteria is class of bacteria.

How does someone get ill from the blackdeath?

The Black Death, was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, widely thought to have been caused by a bacterium named Yersinia pestis (Plague). Scientists and historians assumed that the Black Death was an outbreak of the same disease, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and spread by fleas with the help of animals like the black rat. The fleas bit the people introducing the bacteria into their bloodstream. The total number of deaths worldwide is estimated at 75 million people, aproximately 25-50 million of which occurred in Europe. Nowadays vaccinations are availiable to cure BlackDeath.

What agent caused the plague in London in the 16th century?

The Great Plague of London in 1665 to 1666 is believed to have been caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, the same organism believed to have caused the Black Death.This, of course, was in the 17th century. I did not locate a plague in London in the 16th century.There is a link below.

Are the plague and the flu the same?

Not even close, actually. The flu is usually a mild viral infection that affects the lungs and respiratory system, although in some people it can prove deadly. Our bodies typically can get rid the viral infection in 7 to 10 days in otherwise healthy adults. On the other hand, if you are talking about the plague that was pandemic throughout Europe and much of Asia in the 14th century that was known as bubonic plague, it was caused by bacteria and not a virus. Our bodies can succumb rapidly to untreated severe bacterial infections. At the time, antibiotics were not yet invented and around 70% of those infected died. The bacteria that caused "Black Plague", named for the big black "blisters" (buboes) it caused, was spread by rats and is called plague bacillus, Yersinia pestis.

What is the Chemical equation for Proteus Vulgaris and Bacillus Subtilis?

You can't write a chemical equation for entire organisms; there are too many different reactions going on at the same time.

What produces endospores?

Endospores are produced by certain types of bacteria such as Bacillus and Clostridium when they are exposed to conditions that are unfavorable for growth, such as high temperatures or lack of nutrients. Endospores are a survival mechanism that allows these bacteria to remain dormant until conditions become more favorable for growth.

What microorganisms kill people?

Microorganisms that can cause fatal infections in humans include bacteria like Clostridium tetani (causing tetanus) and Yersinia pestis (causing plague), viruses like Ebola virus (causing Ebola hemorrhagic fever), fungi like Cryptococcus neoformans (causing cryptococcal meningitis), and parasites like Plasmodium falciparum (causing severe malaria). Prompt medical treatment is crucial to prevent these infections from being lethal.

Was the black plague the first plague ever?

No, the first plague was the bubonic plague in Rome.ok that person erased my answer. no it was not, the bubonic plague is the same plague, only a different name.The black plague was not the first plague ever. Outbreaks of many diseases in large numbers are called plagues. The black plague is called that because lymph nodes became swollen and black (gangrenous).

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Prokaryotic cells have various shapes; the four basic shapes are:Cocci - sphericalBacilli - rod shapedSpirochaete - spiral shapedVibrio - comma shaped

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...contains DNA which makes the plant produce a protein which is toxic to certain insects of the Lepidoptera family. The protein is the same one produced by the Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, from which the name "Bt" comes.