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No, a toe is made up of several bones, none of them a long bone. Long bones are the bones that connect at your knee and elbow, bones like the femur.

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Q: Is the toe an example of a long bone?
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Related questions

What classification is a phalanx bone?

A phalanx bone is classified as a long bone. These long bones are found in the fingers and toe digits, helping to provide structure and support for movement.

What type of bone is a phalanx?

Phalanx-- Any of the digital bones of the hand or foot.

Is toe an example of a long vowel sound?

No, "toe" does not have a long vowel sound. In "toe," the "o" makes a short vowel sound like in the word "hot."

What is big toe bone called?

The big toe bone is called the hallux. It is the innermost (most medial) toe of the foot, and is made up of the proximal and distal phalanges.

Where is a long bone in the body?

an example of a long bone in the human body would be the femur; the femur is the bone in your thigh

Finger and toe bone?

Metacarpals are finger bones. Metatarsals are toe bones.

The humerus is an example of a?

The humerus is an example of a long bone. It is located in the upper arm and plays a crucial role in the movement and support of the arm.

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What is a description of a bone?

One of the bones involved is called the first metatarsal bone. This bone is long and slender, with the big toe attached on one end and the other end connected to foot bones closer to the ankle.

Can you get bone cancer in big toe bone?

Yes, bone cancer can occur in any bone in the body, including the big toe bone. It is rare but possible for bone cancer to develop in the bones of the feet, including the big toe. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, and difficulty with movement. Prompt medical evaluation is important for diagnosis and treatment.

What is the scientific name for toe bone?

Lower Phalanges

Is a fractured proximal phalanx considered a broken toe or foot?

A phalanx is a toe bone. Thus a fractured proximal phalanx is a broken toe.