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No. The soul has not yet been directly linked to anything physical, but if it were, it would probably be the brain.

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Q: Is the soul the blood
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go to to learn to bend even blood bending!!!!!!!! no, but he can soul bend

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Did Jesus die of a broken heart?

No. He died by crucifixion.Answer:Specifically, Jesus died by "shedding His blood" [not a 'broken heart']... which is the atoning act of a sacrifice." is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul." (Lev.17:11)We live by the flow of our blood in an ingeniously designed pressurized circulatory system. When our blood pressure is released and the loss of blood is great enough... we die.The Bible tells us that our "life" is "in the blood." In this case, the word "life" comes from the Hebrew word: "nephesh"... which is also translated "soul" in the KJV Old Testament."For it is the LIFE [nephesh; soul] of all flesh; the blood of it is for the LIFE [nephesh; soul] thereof... for the LIFE [nephesh; soul] of all flesh is the BLOOD thereof..." (Lev.17:14).It was Jesus' blood [soul] poured out of Him that killed Him [shed for our atonement]... not the anguished emotion of a "broken heart."As Isaiah prophesied of Him: "...He hath poured out HisSOUL [nephesh; life] unto death: and He was numbered with the transgressors; and He bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." (Isa.53:12)

Can you turn off the blood in dawn of war soul- storm?

No you can't sorry