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Q: Is the respiratory system the same in young and old people?
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What kind of respiratory system does a panda have?

they have the same respiratory as humans

Is the system sanguine and the circulatory system the same?

respiratory system

How are the respiratory system and the circulatory are the same?

There the same because there both systems.

Is a tigers respiratory system like a humans?

it is around the same

Do all animals have the same respiratory system as man?

Absolutely not

What uses does the Respiratory System have?

The most common use of the respiratory system is the exchange of gases. When you exhale carbon dioxide, at the same time you inhale oxygen.

How is the cellular system and the respiratory system similar?

the flow of oxygen and blood are both done in the same way

How does the cats respiratory system work?

This is the best explanation I could gather. Hopefully, this helped you. The respiratory system is responsible for taking in oxygen and eliminating waste gases like carbon dioxide. Because dogs and cats do not sweat through the skin, the respiratory system also plays an important role in the regulation of temperature.

What is the system consisting of lungs and throat?

The respiratory system is what system your lungs are apart of, and your throat, if it's the same as the esophagus, is apart of the digestive system.

What is the white Bengal tiger's respiratory system like?

The same as the orange Bengal tiger.....

What type of respiratory system does a rhino have?

The very same as all mammals have (including humans).

Would smoking affect animals?

yes since animals have the same respiratory system as we do. the same thing would happen