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Q: Is the pale string-like structure running the length of the ventral side of the worm the blood vessel?
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Is the pale string like structure running the length of the ventral side of the worm?


Does the earthworms ventral nerve cord traverse the entire length of the body?

No, they only have a ventral blood vessel.

How do you determine a male between a female cobra?

By the length of ventral scales in it... s more length its a female and small length s a male

How is the length of running spikes measured?

With a ruler

What are the actual dimensions of the structure?

length by width by height

How do you calculate area from square feet to running feet?

Running feet isn't really an area measurement, it's a length measurement. To get square feet, you have to multiply length by width.

How does leg length determine speed in running?

Leg length can affect running speed by influencing stride length, which is the distance covered with each step. Longer legs can potentially lead to a longer stride length, allowing for greater speed. However, factors such as stride frequency, muscle strength, and technique also play important roles in determining running speed.

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Length, Width, Height.

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26.2 mi

Will running shorten the length of your period?

Yes, this could help.

What is the correct spike size for running?

The question is ambiguous: do you mean the length of the pins, or the size of the shoes? If you are asking about the length of the pins, there is not a single right answer, because it depends on the type of running you are doing (for example track sprint vs. cross-country), and the surface you are running on.

What structure of the digestive system is 29 feet in length?

Small intestine