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Q: Is the mouth the primary of absorption?
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Process of taking nutrients into the body and making them part of the body?

you are hungry.

What is primary absorption?

If your asking about primary absorption in digestion and the absorption of nutrients into the body, then primary absorption is the first (primary) place in the body where nutrients are absorbed. In humans this takes place in the small intestines after the food has been broken down in the stomach and passed on to the small intestine.

Is there any absorption in the mouth?

The mouth breaks down and absorbs sugars in the food we eat.

Generally absorption from the lungs is greater than from the mouth why?

Absorption from the lungs is generally greater than from the mouth because the lungs have a large surface area with a rich blood supply, allowing for efficient absorption of substances directly into the bloodstream. In contrast, absorption from the mouth is limited by the mucous membranes and the stomach's acidic environment, which can break down and degrade substances before they can be absorbed.

What are the primary functions of the small intestine?

Digestion and absorption.

What The primary function of the small intestine?

Digestion and absorption.

Can small amounts of absorption can take place in the mouth?


Can small amounts of absorption take place in the mouth?


What is the primary absorption site for digestible carbohydrates?

small intestine

The primary site for alcohol absorption?

Stomach and Small Intestine

The primary site of nutrient absorption is the?

The primary site of nutrient absorption is the small intestine. It is equipped with specialized structures called villi and microvilli that increase the surface area for efficient absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream.

How important is the small intestine?

very, it is the primary place for food absorption