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yes liver works harder at night

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Q: Is the liver more active when we're sleeping?
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Brain is more active watching TV than sleeping?

Yes it is true. Your brain is more active sleeping than watching TV.

Does sleeping less effects liver?

Sleeping less than 4 hours effects your liver badly. When you are sleeping your liver has a rest because when you do not sleep your liver is working continuously and fast and a liver performs more than 500 functions a day like detoxifying blood. So when you do not sleep, it badly effects your immune system and heart. So sleep well and proper if you do not want your liver effected.

How do you make your leopard gecko more active?

Leopard geckos are nocturnal and are probably much more active as you are sleeping. There is nothing to worry about.

Would you expect to find more mitochondria in liver cells which are very active or in teeth cells which are less active Why?

You would expect to find more mitochondria in liver cells which are very active. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell that generate energy, and active cells like liver cells require more energy to carry out their functions compared to less active cells like teeth cells.

Why did rory gallagher need a liver transplant?

Drinking + bad doctor prescribed sleeping/anxiety pills wrecked his liver.

Are Rocky Mountains sleeping or dormant?

They are neither sleeping, active or dormant. They are a mountain range and not a volcanic range.

Why do liver and muscle cells have more mitochondria than other types of cells?

Because muscles cells have to do more energetic work than other cells.

Is a goose nocturnal?

No, geese are not nocturnal. They are diurnal animals, meaning they are active during the day and sleep at night. Geese typically spend their nights resting and sleeping, and they are more active during the day when searching for food and socializing.

Is the hyena active at day or night?

It is active in both times of day; sleeping randomly. But it is usually found during the day.

What convert vitamin D to its active form?

the liver and the kidney

In what tissue must vitamin D be chemically altered to yield a compound that is fully active?

To yield a compound that is fully active, a molecule of vitamin D must be chemically altered by kidney and liver tissues. In the liver, it's converted to calcidiol, and in the kidneys, to calcitriol.

Why is mt st helens an active volcano?

becuse it sleeping its eroped in 1980s