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As far as biological viruses, the prion is smaller than a virus. It it a misfolded protein.

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Q: Is the influenza virus bigger than the red blood cell?
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Which is biggest white blood cell influenza virus or anthrax bacterium?

A white blood cell is the biggest then the anthrax bacterium then the influenza virus.Hope it helps! :)

What is bigger entity the cold virus or the red blood cell?

I know I'm fat and I like it. i am a blood cell

What is smaller human red blood cell bacterium or virus?

Red blood cell

Influenza is unicellular or multicellular?

Influenza is not a cell, it is a respiratory disease caused by a type of viruses, called influenza viruses. Viruses are not cells, they are sub-microscopic organisms that are non-living and disease-causing in humans, animals, and plants as well as in some bacteria.

Is influenza virus a hidden virus or an active virus?

You do not categorize virus into hidden or active category. That way, every virus is hidden inside the cell. It can not grow outside the cell. Every virus is active. Otherwise it would have disappeared from the race of life. It is very interesting to know about the virus. Now you study it. Tomorrow the world will learn from you.

What makes the influenza an active virus?

because afteer entering a cell an active virus immeddinately goes into action.

Is influenza a viral infection?

Yes, influenza is a viral infection caused by the influenza virus. It affects the respiratory system and can lead to symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, and muscle aches. Vaccination is an effective way to prevent influenza.

How can a virus use the cell machinery of the blood cell?

it is because virus does not have a cell machinery to divide itself. when it comes to affect our body's tissue, it uses the blood cell's machinery to divide and infect other blood cell.

What is the name of the virus that causes influenza?

Influenza is caused exclusively by viruses in the Orthomyxoviridae family.Viruses are not true cells and are metabolically inert until they are attached or inside of a host cell of a plant or animal (including humans).

How virus causes influenza?

A virus gets into the body, inject its genetic information into a cell, then the cell explodes, making more viruses. The cells they target affect different things, causing different ailements.

Is a cell bigger than a virus?

No.Virus particles are slightly smaller than a cell.

Is influenza aerobic?

Influenza is caused by a virus, not a bacteria, so it does not perform respiration like aerobic bacteria. Instead, influenza viruses replicate inside host cells by hijacking the cell's machinery.