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Q: Is the first stage in the chain of biochemical and neurological events that begins with a stimulus impinging upon a sensory organ?
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The process of changing physical stimulus to neural stimulus is called what?

The process of changing physical stimulus to neural stimulus is called transduction. This process involves converting sensory information from the environment into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain.

What are the very first of the three steps basic to all sensory systems?

1. Recieve stimulus 2. Transform stimulus 3. Deliver stimulus

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Sensory neuron

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What is the process of receiving stimulus energy called?

The process of receiving stimulus energy is called sensory reception. It involves the detection of sensory stimuli by sensory receptors in the body, which then transmit signals to the brain for processing and interpretation.

Detect changes of internal or external stimulus?

sensory receptors

What is a simple automatic inborn response to a sensory stimulus is?


What is a reduction in sensitivity in the presence of a constant stimulus?

It is known as sensory adaptation. This occurs when our sensory receptors become less responsive to a constant stimulus over time, leading to a reduced perception of the stimulus. Sensory adaptation allows us to focus on new or changing stimuli that may be more relevant for survival.

What is the intensity of a sensation is determined by what?

The intensity of a sensation is determined by the magnitude of the stimulus that evokes it. This can be influenced by factors such as the strength or amount of the stimulus, the sensory receptors involved, and the sensory pathways that transmit the signal to the brain.

When your mind deceives you by interpreting a stimulus pattern incorrectly what is your mind experiencing?

Your mind is experiencing a perceptual illusion, where it misinterprets sensory information from the environment. This can happen due to factors like expectations, prior experiences, or neurological processes that influence perception. Perceptual illusions highlight the complex nature of how our brain processes and interprets sensory input.

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What is a decreased sensitivity that occurs when a stimulus is continuously applied to sensory receptors called?

This is known as sensory adaptation. It is a decrease in responsiveness of sensory receptors to constant stimulation.