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Q: Is the condition of conjoined twins more prevalent in females or males?
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Is the condition of conjoined twins more prevalent in females of males?


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Does color blindness occur in males or females or just one sex?

Red Green colorblindness is more prevalent in males but can occur in females as well.

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Normal males have 3, if you have less you are a freak

What does sex have to do with how fast you can swim?

Normally, males are faster than females swimming or running, because of strength. This means athletes of both sexes in top condition, males will usually win, it does not mean all males can beat all females.

Does cerebral palsy affect females or males?

Cerebral palsy affects both females and males. It is a neurological condition that can occur in people of any gender. The causes and symptoms of cerebral palsy are the same regardless of gender.

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The condition occurs three times more often in male infants than in females.

The condition in which males and females differ dramitically in phenotypic characteristics is called?

sexual dismorphism

Does Jacobs syndrome affect males or females?

Jacobs syndrome, also known as XYY syndrome, affects males. It is a genetic condition caused by the presence of an extra Y chromosome in males.

Can females and males have chlamydia?

Yes, both females and males can get chlamydia.