Not as a general rule. Permission would have to be given to use the brain for research purposes.
Just adding on. it normally is removed The less decay the better. But the other answer is kinda right in the sense that if the use it for medical purposes the person or family has to say.
Albert Einstein's brain was removed during his autopsy after his death in 1955.
The cerebellum can be partially removed without causing death, but it would result in severe impairment in motor coordination and balance. However, it is important to note that removing any brain area can have significant consequences for an individual's functioning and quality of life.
it was removed through their nostrils
You cannot remove your brain without dying.
When the brain no longer functions, it is typically referred to as brain death. Brain death is the irreversible loss of all brain function, including the brainstem, and is considered the legal and medical criteria for death in most countries.
All the organs were removed and, as the brain had no spiritual value, it was discarded. Organs such as the heart and liver were kept in small jars. Actaully, i thought that the brain was removed because it would rot the rest of the skeleton
According to sources Einstein's brain was removed within seven hours of his death and within next 24 hours this was declared that he used 14% oh his brain and he is first on earth to do so. This has since been found to be a complete fallacy.
After Albert Einstein's death in 1955, a pathologist named Thomas Stoltz Harvey removed Einstein's brain during the autopsy without permission from his family. Harvey preserved the brain and later claimed to have studied it extensively, though the results and impact of his research remain controversial and inconclusive.
Brain death is the irreversible end of all brain activity. The term brain death should not be confused with a persistent vegetative state like many people tend to do.
Brain Death - EP - was created in 1986-08.
After Einstein's death in 1955, his brain was removed during an autopsy without permission. It was divided into pieces and studied by scientists. The whereabouts of most of the brain tissue are unknown, although some portions are held in jars and slides in institutions.
because the brain was a organ that needed to be removed and put in a canopic jar which is where they put all the organs