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Q: Is the bladder superior of inferior to the transverse colon?
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What Organ lies inferior and posterior to stomach?

transverse colon

What artery supplies a major part of the large intestine and rectum?

The superior mesenteric artery supplies a major part of the large intestine, including the ascending and transverse colon, while the inferior mesenteric artery supplies the left side of the colon, including the descending colon and rectum.

What are the vessels pertaining to the ileum and the colon?

The superior mesenteric artery supply the from the second part of duodenum to two third of the transverse colon. This include the entire small intestine. The inferior mesenteric artery supply the rest of the colon to upper part of the rectum.

Is the cecum located at the inferior end of the descending colon?

The cecum and appendix are located at the inferior end of the ascending colon. The colon has different parts starting with the cecum-ascending colon-transverse colon- descending colon-sigmoid colon-rectum-anal canal-anus.

Which artery supplies the distal areas of the large intestines?

Colic arteries supply blood to colon.Human colon has different portions (ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon).Right colic artery supplies blood to ascending colon.Middle colic artery supplies blood to tranverse colon.Left colic artery supplies blood to the descending colon.Sigmoid arteries (two or three) supplies blood to sigmoid colon.The right colic and middle colic arteries are branches of superior mesentric artery.The left coliac artery and sigmoid arteries are branches of inferior esentric artery.

What vein can drain the transverse colon if the superior mesenteric vein is blocked?

Probably the inf mesenteric vein

What are the quadrants of the abdominal?

Right upper quadrant - liver: right lobe, gallbladder, stomach: pylorus, doudenum: part 1-3, pancreas: head, right suprarenal gland, right kidney, right colic (hepatic) flexure, ascending colon: superior part, transverse colon: right half Left upper quadrant - liver: left lobe, spleen, stomach, jejunum and proximal ileum, pancreas: body and tail, left kidney, left suprarenal gland, left colic (splenic) flexure, transverse colon: left half, descending colon: superior half Right lower quadrant - cecum, vermiform appendix, most of ileum, ascending colon: inferior part, right ovary, right uterine tube, right ureter: abdominal part, right spermatic cord: abdominal part, uterus (if enlarged), urinary bladder (if very full) Left lower quadrant - sigmoid colon, descending colon: inferior part, left ovary, left uterine tube, left ureter: abdominal part, left spermatic cord: abdomianl part, uterus (if enlarged), urinary bladder (if very full)

What are the symptoms of transverse colon?

The transverse colon is a body part, not a disease.

How long is the transverse part of the colon?

How long is the transverse part of the colon?

What vein carry blood away from the Large intestine?

After looking up Google Images, I think it's the left gastric vein that leads right out of the stomach, while the inferior vena cava carries blood from all parts of your body except for your head.

What organs does the superior mesenteric artery supply?

The superior mesenteric artery supplies blood to the small intestine (jejunum and ileum), part of the large intestine (cecum, appendix, ascending colon, and proximal two-thirds of the transverse colon), and the pancreas.

What cavity is the transverse colon found in?

The transverse colon is the part of the large intestine which connects the ascending and descending colon. It is in the abdominal cavity.