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Yes it can happen and it is called Dextrocardia, in which case your appendix will also be on the left side instead of the right side .

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It is slightly left of center. You can feel it beating just below and to the right of your left breast.

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Yes you can

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Q: Is the Heart really on left side?
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Why heart was in left side for human?

well the heart isn't really on your left, it just grows bigger on one side so that's why people think its mostly on the left :)

What side is your heart really on?

It varies from person to person, but normally it is on the left side of the body.

What side of the body does the bulk of the heart rests?

The bulk of the heart rests on the Left side of this heart.

What side of the heart acts as the pulmonary pump?

The left side

Which does not belong pulmonary trunk vena cava right side of heart left side of heart?

left side of the heart

What is dextrocardia?

its when the heart is on the right side of the body and not on the left its when the heart is on the right side of the body and not on the left

Why does the left side of the heart have bigger muscle?

Because the pressure on the left side of human heart is higher than the right side of human heart.

What is the left side of the heart system and delivers blood to the body?

The left side of the heart system is known as the left artery, which is the only side of your heart that pumps blood around the body; this causes some people to automatically think that the heart is on the left side of your chest, but the heart is based in the middle, but it is only the left side which you can feel pumping blood.

Which side of the heart contains oxygenated blood?

The left atrium and left ventricle contain the oxygenated blood.the left side of the heart:D

What is the main fuction of the left side of the human heart?

The left side of the human heart pumps the blood to different parts of your body. The left side of the heart contains pure blood that comes in in the left auricle.

The left side of the heart will pump blood to?

The left side of the heart pumps oxygenated blood out to the body.

Which side is your heart on?

Your heart is located on the left.