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yes you will be a freak! It would become a problem if you talk to someone else who is not there (ie an imaginary person), or if it is a constant need to talk if no-one is around. Try putting a radio on if you need "noise" around you. Not at all! Very many sane people (including myself) sometimes need to think aloud to clarify our thoughts. This is NOT a sign of insanity, unless maybe it is excessive and excludes normal conversation.

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14y ago


In fact, talking to yourself can be a great way to interpret something that you are thinking about. For example, if you are reading something, it will help you understand what you are reading to speak the words out loud. This is because you are using more of your brain to process what is being read and you will also interpret it differently if you hear the words vs just seeing them.

A lot of (if not all) people talk to themselves. talking to yourself in itself is normal and healthy, but if you have a concern, think about what you are saying. It could help you see what isn't healthy.

Check out this website for more information

The DSM-IV is the authority of mental illness in America.

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10y ago

Talking to yourself is not necessarily a sign of mental illness. Everyone has a continual running dialogue inside their heads. Some people express this dialogue verbally. It is only mental illness if you continually tell yourself negative things.

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12y ago

Talking to oneself and not being totally aware of it is not a mental condition in and of itself. It can be a self soothing mechanism, utilised to calm yourself. By verbalising, you are cognitively in touch with thoughts in your brain and orally stating information to assist with either remembering or limiting other stimulation.

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15y ago

yes! I'm afraid so.

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Q: Is talking to yourself a sign of mental illness?
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What is talking to yourself generally a sign of?

In many walks of life, talking to yourself is seen as a sign of mental illness. This is not a fact however, it is just the equivalent of an old wives tale.

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a man's temper, if it is exaggerated for a period of time may be a sign of underlying mental illness.

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Did you just ask that? Of course not! People who do may or may not have mental sicknesses, but believing in a greater being doesn't mean you have a mental illness. By the way, I don't believe in god.

Is talking to yourself a sign of intelligence?

Talking to yourself can be a sign of intelligence as it has been linked to higher cognitive functioning like problem-solving and memory retrieval. It can help with organizing thoughts and clarifying ideas. However, excessive self-talk could also be a sign of stress or other psychological issues.

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Your asking this question is a good sign that you would accept help. Locate and call a help line for emergency psychiatric assistance. You may also offer yourself for a voluntary commitment for mental care if you think there is a risk that you will do something that would hurt yourself or others.

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actually you can.Wanting to die without being depressed is a sign of mental illness. If you ever have this problem contact your doctor asap (as soon as possible.)

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Cannibalism is not considered a mental disorder in and of itself. However, engaging in cannibalistic behavior can be a sign of severe mental illness, such as psychosis or a personality disorder. It is important to seek professional help if someone is experiencing urges or thoughts related to cannibalism.