Absolutely. Taking to many, even a couple every day can cause your intestine to rupture and cause internal bleeding. This is very painful. If you are taking it for dieting reasons, don't! Seriously. But, if you have been constipated, try Milk of Magnesia or visit the doctor for a remedy to soothe you.
About 2300 people disapper on a daily basis in the united states.
2345678126716382163827642873146734827427816412 million
Many people in the US are not physically fit. In the year 2011, the CDC reported that less that 50% of Americans get any physical exercise on a daily basis.
On a daily basis, there is an average of 50 daily flights to London, 40 flights to other UK destinations, as well as 10 weekly flights to the Middle East.
It already does, on a daily basis.
Answer420 at least.
arund 10,000000
Yes, I have seen many people buy it on a daily basis who I know smoke weed.
Google Translate is used by millions of people around the world on a daily basis, but the exact number is not publicly disclosed by Google.
On a daily basis, nutritionists do many things. They may meet with clients to discuss health plans. They may also work with companies to evaluate how to make work places healthier.
Marital arts play a big part of many people's daily lives today. Martial arts is something that is important for both one's mental and physical health. Many people will practice some form of martial arts on a daily basis.