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Related questions

When was Vitus Tinnitus created?

Vitus Tinnitus was created in 1997.

Does Louis Tomlinson have an ear infection called tinnitus?

Sadly he does have tinnitus:(

When was American Tinnitus Association created?

American Tinnitus Association was created in 1971.

When was Tinnitus Sanctus created?

Tinnitus Sanctus was created on 2008-11-14.

Is it possible to have tinnitus at 11?

I don't believe there is any age limit for Tinnitus.

When was International Tinnitus Journal created?

International Tinnitus Journal was created in 1995.

A ringing or buzzing sound in the ears is known as?

Tinnitus is a ringing, buzzing, or roaring sound in one or both ears.

What are some of symptoms of tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a symptom itself. There are two types of tinnitus 1. Objective tinnitus ( which can be heard by your doctor with a special listening device) 2. Subjective tinnitus ( heard only by the patient) Tinnitus is the perception of sounds by a person that are not in the outside world. Approximately 30 million people in the US suffer from it daily. It is treatable in 90% of cases by ENT physicians. For more info about tinnitus go to: <a href="">Hearing Loss: Facts and Fiction</a>

Can mastoiditis cause tinnitus?

Mastoiditis can cause hearing loss which may result in tinnitus.

What are good ways to get rid of tinnitus?

Tinnitus can be dealt with in a number of ways. One common way to deal with it at night would be to sleep with a fan on to drown out the noise. If that doesn't help, talking to your doctor about ear drops could help.

Can a 14 year old get tinnitus?

It is possible, but don't worry about it too much, it could be temporary tinnitus common in younger ages. it just depends on how the tinnitus was triggered.

Can CROS hearing aids help relieve tinnitus?

Yes, hearing aids can relieve tinnitus if it is caused by presbycusis. If presbycusis is not the cause of the tinnitus, hearing aids will not help at all.