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Sudden acquired retinal degeneration, or S.A.R.D.S. is an eye disease that occurs in dogs, causing sudden blindness over a period of time ranging from hours to days. It is not contagious, although it's cause in unkown at this point.

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Q: Is sudden acquired retinal degeneration SARD contagious?
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What does retinal detachment feel like?

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What should Marfan syndrome patients know about retinal detachment?

All persons with Marfan should be taught to recognize the signs of retinal detachment (sudden blurring of vision in one eye becoming progressively worse without pain or redness) and to seek professional help immediately.

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Retinal Detachment is a severe eye condition where the retina, a vital layer of tissue at the back of the eye, separates from its normal position. It can cause various symptoms, such as floaters, flashes of light, a curtain-like effect in the vision, or sudden vision loss. This eye condition needs Immediate medical attention to prevent permanent vision loss.

Is macular degeneration a chronic condition?

Macular degeneration is a loss of central or straight ahead vision, making it difficult to read or to recognize faces. The photoreceptor cells of the macula which are also responsible for our sharp, detailed vision degenerate or die. The less photoreceptor cells the worse the vision. However, it is not blindness. Peripheral or side vision is unaffected. The progression of age-related macular degeneration is different for each person and for each eye. Those with wet macular degeneration experience a more sudden and severe vision loss than those with dry macular degeneration.

Can someone with liver disease ride roller coasters?

Yes it can. Sudden jolts and jerks on a roller coaster rides and even bungee jumping can cause laceration and tears in the liver and spleen leading to internal bleeding. Retinal detachment can also occur in bungee jumping.

Was the plague sudden?

== == Yes and no. It took decades, close to a century, for the plague to move across Asia and Europe but when it reached a given region or town then many people would come down with it very quickly because it is highly contagious and they didn't know how it was spread. This sort of progression, and sudden overwhelming, has come to be known as a 'tipping point'

What risks exist for Marfan syndrome patients when participating in some activities?

Weight lifting increases blood pressure, which in turn may enlarge the aorta. Rough physical contact may cause retinal detachment. Sudden changes in air pressure may produce pneumothorax.

What is the best natural treatment for retinal tear?

There is no natural treatment for this - left unattended, the eye will almost inevitably lose all vision irreversibly - not just blurriness, but complete darkness with no going back. In order to preserve sight in the affected eye, by not allowing extension of the retinal tear, either laser surgery or open surgery must be done by a qualified ophthalmologist. If you have a retinal tear or are experiencing its symptoms, call or have someone call a retinal specialist as soon as possible - do not wait - and remain as still as possible before seeing him or her. Symptoms include a sudden explosion of thousands of floaters, a dark shadow in the vision (especially one that is progressing), and / or flashes of light when you move your eye or your head. I have had this happen in *both* eyes and it is extremely serious and urgent; the longer you wait, the more likely your vision will be impacted, up to and including blindness.

What causes vision in one eye to go black?

Vision in one eye going black could be caused by various factors, such as a blocked blood vessel (retinal artery occlusion), damage to the optic nerve, retinal detachment, or a migraine with aura. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if you experience sudden vision loss as it could be a sign of a serious underlying condition.

What causes a bright spot in the direct line of vision?

They vary in cause, but sometimes they are caused by dead blood cells clumping in the vitreous fluid around your eye. Sometimes though they can be caused by retinal detachment. But this is not likely, because retinal detachment is very rare.