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Q: Is strep throat more common with male or female?
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What are the differences between the male bullfrog and female bullfrog's throat?

The female chirps and the male croaks

What are the examples of common gender in birds?

Male, Female and both Male and Female.

What is the most common hummingbird in Alabama?

The rubythroat hummingbird is the most common to all parts of Alabama. The male can be recognized by his deep red throat patch and dark green back. The female looks like the male except she has no red on her throat and has a lighter green back. Occasionally, the rufus hummingbird is seen in Alabama, but it is not as common as the rubythroat. The male rufus has a "rufus" or brown color on its back, sides, tail, and head. Like the rubythroat hummingbird, the male rufus hummingbird has a reddish-colored throat patch, but it is more orange than ruby.

How do you tell the difference between male and female Serpae Tetras?

The way you can tell a difference between the male and the female is because the female has orange eyes and a yellow throat, but with a male Spotted Turtle it has brown eyes and a tanned throat

Do both the male and the female pelican have a throat sac?

yes they both need it to carry food

Is Blond hair common with both sex male and female?

It is more common in female but they both can have it

Is a male or female common toad tadpole bigger?

a female is bigger

What is the noun for a female monkey?

There is no gender specific nouns for a male or a female monkey.Monkeys are referred to as a male monkey or a female monkey.The noun 'monkey' is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female.

What is a Female refugee?

A female refugee is a refugee. A male refugee is a refugee.The noun 'refugee' is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female.

How do you make common gender of a feminine or masculine words?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female, or common gender nouns for words that may be a male or a female; for example: A noun for a male is father. A noun for a female is mother. A common gender noun is parent. A noun for a male is bull. A noun for a female is cow. A common gender noun is buffalo, elephant, or camel. A noun for a male is king. A noun for a female is queen. A common gender noun is monarch. A noun for a male is boar. A noun for a female is sow. A common gender noun is bear, pig, or prairie dog.

Is casey a female or male name?

It's more of a male name. females do have it, but it is more common in males.

Upland bird brown male with white eyebrow and throat dark streak across eyes female with buff colored eyebrow and throat?

red backed shrike