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Almost certainly yes. A disorder means a lack of order.

Eating regularly and healthily is order, starving by choice is disorder. It's as simple as that.

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Q: Is starving yourself to lose weight an eating disorder even if its your own decision?
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Why do i keep throwing up after you eat?

If you are making yourself throw up, then you probably do have an eating disorder (eating disorder does not necessarily mean starving yourself), if it is coming up on its own something else might be wrong and you should go see your doctor.

Is starving yourself and then eating obsessive amounts of chocolate comfort eating?

It could be considered that, but what you're saying you should probably see a doctor for. It's called binge eating and is a disorder. I hope I helped!

What is anarectic?

Eating disorder where you starve yourself.

Medical process for starvation?

There is no "medical process" for starvation. Starving yourself (other than for religious reasons, like fasting for an observance) would possibly be considered a sign of the eating disorder called Anorexia.

How much can you loose starving yourself?

Starving yourself is called anorexia. Anorexia can lead to serious medical problems including but not limited to death. If you need to lose weight try eating balanced meals and exercising.

Is it considered an eatting disorder if you don't eat during the day and call yourself fat?

It can be considered symptoms of an eating disorder, yes.

Are eating disorders a lifestyle choice?

While the initial behaviors defining eating disorders such as starving oneself, excess food consumption, and purging are voluntary behaviors, it only becomes an eating disorder when the person has little control over these actions and develops anxieties about their bodies, their weight, and food. However, after developing an eating disorder and recognizing it, if the person does not seek help or try to end the behavior when resources are available they are choosing to live with or fully embracing their eating disorder. At that point they have chosen their eating disorder as their lifestyle.

There are some days where you can only eat chocolate without feeling sick Just looking at other food makes you want to vomit Are you ill or have you got an eating disorder?

an eating disorder is purposely starving yourself and/or purging. If there are days when you are temporarily having an upset stomach you should try and improve your nutrition by taking vitamins, staying hydrated, and making sure you make healthy choices when it comes to food.

Why is binge eating disorder rgarded the most popular eating disorder?

the reason is many girls struggle with their looks just like I do. It is probably harder to starve yourself than to purge.

How do you spell analectia?

The term "analecta" refers to selections or excerpts from a literary work or genre.The similar term anorexia is an eating disorder, characterized by starving oneself.

What is it called when you don't eat to prevent yourself from getting fatter?

eating disorder. anorexia nervosa

What if you don't think you are fat but you are starving yourself?

Well it just means that you are not eating very bad and sugary stuff like candy.