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Yes. Spotting during the first trimester is very normal and sometimes spotting may go along with mild cramps. Many times the spotting is caused by your uterus growing and breaking small vessels for more room. However if you are having spotting which continues to bleeding and filling a maxi an hour for 3 hours along with heavy cramping there is a great chance you are having a miscarriage. When you are in this situation Dr's advise on an immediate call and will have you come in, even though there is nothing they can do to stop the miscarriage, before or during, if there is a problem with you...i.e bleeding wont stop or anything more problematic happens they can help you.

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10y ago
Spotting During PregnancyHere are opinions and stories from some contributors:
  • Please note that if spotting does occur, it could sometimes be a miscarriage but also is a common thing during early pregnancy. The best advice is to call the doctor. If it is a miscarriage, there is nothing that can be done to save the baby before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Drink plenty of fluids and keep your feet up. Remember, only your doctor knows for sure.
  • I was nine weeks into my pregnancy when I started spotting. At first it was barely noticeable; a very light pink almost nude color. That lasted for about three days and of course I was concerned and I looked for information online. Most of the information I got implied that spotting was normal. Well, I finally told my husband and he said I should check in to the emergency room being that the doctor's office was closed. I wasn't having any cramps or pains and the spotting was not any heavier. The ER doctors did both an internal and external ultrasound, twice, and both times they found that the baby had no heartbeat. The doctors said I had what was called an "incomplete abortion". The next day I experienced painful cramps which felt like contractions although I was not bleeding. Later on that night blood just started pouring out of me and that was when I had my miscarriage. So please, I do advise if you are spotting even the faintest of colors go see your doctor immediately so you can prevent something like that from happening.
  • I have read through most of these incidences and in a way I feel relieved but then again I do not. I just started spotting about 10 minutes ago, and I am totally freaking out. I am super scared, and I absolutely cant wait to go to the doctor first thing in the morning. It is a very faint color, but I am cramping too. It's really nerve wracking!
  • My wife had "staining" throughout the first trimester and our son is a very healthy baby. I can't tell you the amount of tears and prayers that we're offered. By staining, I mean a light pinkish discharge every day. We called the doctor, who followed up with vaginal sonograms. We learned that staining (not spotting) is not always a sign of miscarriage.
  • I spotted for up to ten weeks during all of my pregnancies (3), and all the babies were fine.
  • The first time that I got pregnant, I started bleeding at about one and a half months and it led to a miscarriage. This is the second pregnancy for me and at about 7 weeks I noticed light pink blood on the tissue and of course thought that it was going to happen again so I called the doctor. By the next week it had stopped. I went in for a sonogram and everything was perfect. The doctor said it may happen again next month before I would be getting my period.
  • I have just found out that I am pregnant (4 weeks) and I am also experiencing spotting of a pink/brownish colour. Also I have abdominal cramps very low down. At the clinic I have had two blood tests (every other day) where my doctor checks for the HCG levels in my blood. I was told that within 48 hours the levels should double which would indicate that the baby is growing. I have an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow so hopefully he can tell me more. In the meantime I was advised to take things easy.
  • I spotted around the 11th week and freaked out. After I went to the doctor, I was assured that everything was okay. They said that although it's not a *normal* thing, most of the time its okay.
  • I spotted with my first child at 9 weeks. I was so afraid, so I called my doctor and he put me in the hospital for a few days, he said my placenta started to tear. I was bed rest for the remainder of my term. I had a heathly 8lb 2oz boy.
  • I am sure that symptoms of pregnancy are different for everyone. Just because you have no tenderness in the chest does not mean that you are going to miscarry. If your hormone levels are good, you probably have nothing to worry about. 1 in 5 women bleeds throughout their pregnancy I heard. I would just suggest that you be sure to call your doctor with all concerns! Don't let them brush you off when you feel as though something is wrong or you want to be seen. My doctors did that to me and being my first pregnancy I just went along with them. Take charge! Remember it is your body, your baby, and the doctors are working for you! Sometimes a woman's intuition is better than years of medical school, ya know? Be sure that they check your hormone levels frequently! My understand is that the increased hormone levels cause most symptoms including breast tenderness.
  • I have been told that if you have a pinkish discharge or brown not to worry, but if you have bright red bleeding then you should get in touch with your midwife straight away.
  • I have been reading posts and thought I would add my experience so far. I am 8 weeks pregnant and have been staining on and off for 3 weeks and the past 6 days consecutively. I called my Dr. they checked my HCG levels and said everything looks GREAT! I have not been recommended to come in for a sono as I had one 10 days ago. They saw a heartbeat and the yolk sac.
  • Unfortunately, the staining I experienced was an indication of a miscarriage. I will be scheduling a D & C tomorrow.
  • I had a miscarriage at 15 weeks in my last pregnancy and bled from 6 weeks on (heavily). The doctors told me that I had a subchorionic hemorrhage, which is kind like a big blood clot in the uterus that can heal itself. As it turns out, it was actually a uterine septum that I had versus a hemotoma. I have noticed that doctors call any unexplained bleeding with clotting a subchorionic hemorrhage, but in reality there could be other reasons for it, as in my situation. I had the septum taken out. I am currently 6 weeks pregnancy, and have noticed very faint light brown spotting.
  • I have read that low progesterone is responsible for spotting before periods as well as miscarriages and that implantation bleeding does not usually last longer than 1-3 days.
  • During my second pregnancy, I had a small clot of blood and some red bleeding in the 4th month (one time, after a straining bowel movement) and got scared since I had lost my first pregnancy to miscarriage. Went to the ER and they heard the hearbeat and all was well. I had a healthy baby boy.
  • A lot of times spotting is perfectly normal. However, you should always check with your doctor. Sometimes it's not.
  • I am 12 weeks pregnant and yesterday i had a few very small brown spotting. I called the doctor and he told me not to worry if it's brown, especially because i don't have any pain. My next ultrasound is next Tuesday... but I'm a bit scared...
  • I'm about 7 weeks pregnant and had some pinkish/brownish spotting last night. I freaked out and was so upset. The clinic I went to this week told me that many women experience spotting, that if I do, not to call, because it's nothing to worry about...easier said than done... I called my sister, who's had 3 healthy babies, and she said that it might be nothing, but it might be something bad, and there was not much I could do. I then called my brother, who, lucky for me, is an OB/GYN, and he told me pretty much the same thing. If it's bright red, and accompanied by cramps, it is much more alarming, but even if not, it could mean something serious. The hardest thing for me is that he also said that there's nothing I can do or not do right now that will affect the outcome. The only thing (as some others mentioned) is to get an ultrasound and see if you can see a heartbeat. There isn't much you can do but "try not to worry, even though it's hard," (thanks, bro!). I feel fine today and the spotting seems to have stopped. I am paranoid and keep checking every 30 minutes. My sister said she's known women with whom spotting was not a sign of anything abnormal and women for whom it was. Pretty much, it's nerve-racking and terrifying and something that just needs time to see.
  • I miscarried in October at 6 weeks. I am now 6 weeks pregnant again and have some light spotting. It is mostly brownish, although last night I noticed it was pink (today back to brown). I'm hoping every thing will be ok. Reading other comments is helping me stay calm.
  • I'm 9 weeks and a half pregnant and having brown stains on and off now for the past week. I went to the hospital since it's always advisable to go see a doctor immediately because having blood during pregnancy is never normal... as they say. The doctors made an ultrasound and we saw the heartbeat. Apparently, it is quite common having brown stains during the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • I started having light brown spotting during my 5th week of pregnancy. After 2 days of the spotting I got very worried and went to get an ultrasound. The doctor said it was too early to see anything and to get my HCG levels tested. That evening the spotting started turning bright red and that's when I knew I would miscarry. It was very heartbreaking. I do have 2 children but was still so excited to be pregnant with another. We will be waiting a couple of months and then we'll try again.
  • HOLY HEMORRHAGE!! I got pregnant while using an inter-uterine device (IUD) which is a form of Birth Control made out of flexible plastic and contains either copper or hormones which is supposed to protect you from becoming pregnant anywhere from 5 to 12 years. PFFT!!!! I was 6 weeks pregnant with my IUD still in place, when one night I woke up in the middle of the night to use the washroom. As soon as I sat down on the toilet, a gush of blood came out with two clots in it. I called a local 24-hour nurse hotline who recommended I present to Emergency immediately. I was admitted the second I presented, given an IV, a portable ultrasound and prepared for a D&C for the next morning. They thought I miscarried. A regular ultrasound was done in the morning before the surgery and a live fetus was found, and the surgery was cancelled. After all my blood levels were checked, I was found to be low on iron, low on proteins and very dehydrated, although I had been eating properly especially already knowing I was pregnant. It's been one month since then and I'm still spotting and have constant mild cramping. I have gotten ultrasounds to calm my nerves and my baby is still alive, the heart beat is good, and my failed IUD is still in place. They cannot remove the IUD as the strings used to remove it have risen to high for them to reach and trying to get it out will put my pregnancy and chances of miscarriage even higher, making it almost certain to happen. They think one of the reasons for the bleeding is the IUD trying to do it's job and terminate the pregnancy. It's very aggrevating to say the least! The doctor says this could be just the 'type' of pregnancy I'm going to have. It's tiring and draining, and my baby and I are still not out of the clear. I am at a high-risk pregnancy but I'm taking it day by day; my baby seems to be quite the fighter if I must say so myself. So, my best advice to women with this obviously heart-wrenching concern is to be positive, even if the outcome is devastating. Try not to stress out and think the worst all of the time. STRESS can be a key factor in miscarrying, so take care of yourself, but most of all.....BE POSITIVE! There is not much I can do at this point, but wait. My body will decide what's best. Hang in there, stay positive. That's the best medicine for you, your body and your baby at this time. I'm crossing my fingers for myself as well as all you women who are going through this same worrying concern. Good luck too you all!
  • I was 6.2 weeks pregnant when I started noticing some light brown spotting when I spoke to the nurse she said its normal since there is no cramping or pain along with it. After few days I observed some light red discharge I then checked into the ER where the u/s was done and they found the baby with the heartbeat.Everything seemed normal and my spotting had started to reduce. After 2 days I started observing a lot of bleeding along with a lot of cramping and pain(It was just like having my periods).I was rushed to the ER where my HGC levels were checked and found to be reducing. Yup...I was having a miscarriage and as at present just waiting for my baby to get completely drained out of my body. It is very disheartening since it was my first baby.My husband and the whole family was very excited about it but now everything has gone..... . My advice to all the people having any kind of spotting(any color) is to go and see your doctor immediately. I hope you don't experience the pain I am going through. All the best!!!!
  • I'm about 5 weeks maybe little more pregnant. this morning I woke up with sore pain in my lower stomach.went to bathroom and found little-tiny red spot. I was shocked. I took utrogestan & went beck to bed. in an hour everything was gone..called up my doctor - she adviced me to stay in bed for a day and to take more utrogestan later on... so, I'm lying in bed praying everything to be fine.....
  • I'm six weeks pregnant with my first baby. I've been having abdomen pains (like period pains, but... different) for the last two weeks. I was tested for pregnancy two days ago and it was positive! The cramps aren't worrying me at the moment, because they have been occurring for a week or two now, and my HCG levels, and estrogen levels were through the roof only a day ago. I've been spotting on and off. I literally had two spots last week, and have been spotting again today. It's a dark pink/brown in colour. I have my first ultrasound on Wednesday next week. <--- On the 18th of September, I began to experience a light pink bleeding. Half of it looked like the white from an egg. The next morning, I discovered a tiny clot. My partner had a car accident on the 19th - the morning I discovered the blood clot. He was fine. I went to the hospital cause I was concerned about the tiny pinkish blood clot. The doctor took another pregnancy test and told me that my HCG hormone level was only at 30%... I miscarried later that day... I never got to that first ultrasound.. If there is any sign of bleeding, go check it out!!
  • I'm 20 weeks pregnant now but I thought I was going to miscarry through the whole first trimester. In the beginning, I had such horrible cramps & sometimes I'd wake up in sweat with lower Back pain (excruciating & very scary). Then whenver I'd walk around doing normal activities (like shopping), I'd get this blood staining in my underwear. The blood color was normally dark (brownish/reddish). The doctor told me that brownish blood could sometimes be "old blood" leftover from the previous period that was stuck inside. I was so scared tha I'd miscarry, I was just readying myself for the inevitable but for some reason, the weeks just kept going by and now I am much better. But the first 3 months I didn't do anything-- anytime I had, I would sleep, rest, take it easy! My doctor told me not to exercise, have sex or lift anything heavy. I guess that helped a lot (to take it easy!). But I realized that if I was to miscarry, it is the body's way of terminating a pregnancy that wasn't right from the beginning (something chromosomally wrong the doc said). And I realized-- it's so hard not to worry but I also though, what if I had a baby that was mentally challenged.. how would I deal with that? So I kept reminding myself.. if it is healthy baby, I won't miscarry. If not, there's always next time and would I really be able to take care of a baby that wasn't completely healthy? It would be hard. So I forced myself to just relax, rest & let my body determine what happens. So I know it's so hard NOT to worry about miscarriage but, as my doc, said.. it is the bodies way of naturally aborting a baby that wasn't forming correctly for some reason in the first place. I also know a girl who blood so much & was diagnosed w/ a "threatened miscarriage" yet didn't miscarry (after resting for a whole month on disability) and had a healthy baby boy. Just try to take it easy.. and relax... and that's all you can do knowing you tried your best & it's not your fault if a miscarriage happens. Good luck & God bless everyone!!
  • Just wanted to let you all in on my personal experience. I was pregnant with my first child and went for the sonogram and found that the baby had no heartbeat and I had never bleed at all and I was suppose to be 4 months and they said the baby stop growing at 8 weeks. Then I got pregnant again a couple of months later and at 6 weeks I had a large amount of bright red blood, went for a sonogram and the baby was fine and now I have a wonderful baby boy. Just recently we decide to try again for another one and I got pregnant and I was 8 weeks and had some brown blood with some discharge and I went for a sonogram and I had lost the baby. I am pregnant again hopefully it works out for us. But my point is they told me red or pink blood may not be good but if it is brown it would be fine but in my case it was not the truth. So please call your doctor and make them give you a sonogram if you feel that is what you need. No sense in driving yourself crazy wondering if your baby is ok or not.
  • Proud Momma of a Wonderful boy! My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage. I started spotting when I was supposed to start my period, but never stopped. This went on for a whole 12 weeks before I ended up in the hospital nearly having to have blood because I lost so much. Then I went on to have a very healthy baby boy on the next try with no complications. I decided to have #2 and I spotted a little at the beginning but things seemed to be going fine. The day of my first doctors appointment (I was 12 weeks) I was finishing up at work because I was getting ready to have to leave for my appointment when I felt somthing weird and went to the bathroom to check it out. I had bright red blood and was bleeding like I was on my period. I called the doctors office and they sent me to do an ultra sound before my appointment. I had just knew I miscarried and was preparing myself for the worst. Then when they did the ulrta sound there was my baby perfectly healthy!! By the time I made it back to the doctors office the bleeding had slowed to just spotting which lasted about a week. They could never explain why I bled like that, but today that baby boy is 5 years old and will be starting school soon!
  • I am 6 weeks and two days ago i had a brownish/pink spot on my underwear, the following day same thing but a little less, then yesterday i wiped and it was redder than the other two days and more blood but it only happened once a day..... I called my OBGYN and they informed me that it is "common" but not "normal" to have spotting or bleeding. She informed me to monitor it and if i cramp or get worse to call them back immediately. My first apt. Is in 4 days so I am hoping for the best. If you have spotting make sure you call your doctor.
  • My wife started spotting early, we were terrified. She had tissue everytime she went to the bathroom. Bleeding stopped after one week. We called and were told it was normal. At about 7 weeks it happened again our appointment was 2 weeks away. When we were there they found a cervical polyp and removed it. The polyp was the cause for the bleeding and tissue. That was about 4 nerve wracking weeks. We have a heartbeat and are very happy now.
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16y ago

Absolutely not. see your doctor immediately I disagree with the previous answer. While it is a good idea to check with your health care provider if you spot during the 2nd trimester, it does not necessarily indicate a serious problem. Sometimes spotting in the 2nd trimester is caused by a bowel movement, sex, or heavy lifting. I found it reassuring to visit my midwife and hear the heart beat.

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12y ago

Yes, providing it is not heavy or very painful

The doctor told me I'm more than 6 weeks pregnant which I find it hard to believe because I did a home pregnancy test a couple of weeks after my last period and it showed negative. So judging by my own instinct and the home pregnancy tests I had

been taken subsequently after my last cycle, I think I'm just about getting into my 4th week. I still feel uncomfortable with male doctors but since female doctors in my hospital have not been available, so it leaves me no choice. Should I/ Can I really believe what my male doctor tells me?

Yesterday I went to the ER right after I got off the plane from a trip because I have

been spotting for the past two days. At first, it was just dark brown spotting accompanied with mild cramps and bloating sensation just like a period. After an ultrasound and a pelvic exam yesterday, the nurse told me I didn't need to go to the ER again unless I experience severe cramps, bleeding and/or blood clots. The doctor said everything was fine; the embryo was where it's supposed to be and my cervix was closed but I'm not "out of the woods yet". Today, the color of my spotting/bleeding has become more liquid-like and bright red with occasional small blood clots and prickling sensations. I called the ER and was told that I could go back to the ER whenever I feel the symptoms have gotten worse, but all they will do is perform the same procedures again - ultrasound and a pelvic exam.

What should I do at this point?

I'm very worried that the insertion of the speculum and/or the continuity of spotting and bleeding is going to cause any deformity of the baby.


I also recommend going to see your OB. No bleeding during pregnancy is "normal", though it is common. Even spotting should be looked at. DO NOT think that just because you are spotting, everything is automatically okay. During my first pregnancy, I had very little spotting in my 9th week. The spotting lasted 8 days before I finally thought to go to the ER...everyone kept telling me, "oh, it's normal." NEVER!! I ended up having a missed miscarriage and the next day my body aborted the embryo. Now, in my 2nd pregnancy, I'm having more spotting and I'm not taking any chances. I'm not trying to scare you, but rather, make you aware that although it's common for many women, it's not normal during pregnancy and it always merits a doctor's opinion and checkup.


I recommend going to the doctor immediately, even if you have to make $5 monthly payments on the visit, I had it happen after 4 weeks for a day, and then at 11 weeks, i had another spot which turned into a miscarriage. that is the most emotionally and physically painful thing i have ever gone through. GO TO A DOCTOR if you care about this child.

It is completely normal. I have been having light brown spotting for the past week and a half. I a had a ultrasound today and everything was fine!!


I was sent this link from someone on another site. First of all, regarding the first post above, the one that states "Go to a Doctor if you care about this child" First of all, that is a horrible thing to say, of course we all care about our unborn children. Also, I must let you know that if you are having a miscarriage there is NOTHING you can do to prevent one and nothing you can do to stop one. Most m/c's happen due to the fetus having chromosone issues and no doctor can fix that. While spotting in pregnancy is common, it shouldn't be considered normal. Most doctors don't want you to come in unless the spotting turns bright red and is accompanied with cramps as well. God Bless you all and good luck!

Yes. Spotting during the first trimester is very normal and sometimes spotting may go along with mild cramps. Many times the spotting is caused by your uterus growing and breaking small vessels for more room. However if you are having spotting which continues to bleeding and filling a maxi an hour for 3 hours along with heavy cramping there is a great chance you are having a miscarriage. When you are in this situation Dr's advise on an immediate call and will have you come in, eventhough there is nothing they can do to stop the miscarriage, before or during, if there is a problem with you...i.e bleeding wont stop or anything more problematic happens they can help you.


i am 7 wks pregnant and am having light spotting. while seaching for some answers i found this reliable information off of answers were given from a director of obstetrics and gyneocology. compared to some other websites that gave some scary advice, i felt a little relieved after i read the following info.

in the first 3 months of pregnancy spotting is quite common. it can be attributed to early development in the uterus; your body is producing more blood to carry nutrients to the fetus. a little bleeding is not uncommon. unless there is a lot of bleeding, like a normal period, along with severe cramps, there is no cause for concern.


spotting could be considered normal or dangerous sign of miscarriage, depending on the individual. I had two miscarriages within one year and they both started with "light spotting". I would contact your health care provider immediately.


I thought this website's answers were good. The key is to distinguish between spotting (a little blood, don't need a pad/liner) and bleeding (more blood, bright red or needs a pad)

spotting is probably just "hormonal changes." and bleeding is something you need to see your MD about. might be a miscarriage.


Spotting during the first 3 months of pregnancy does occur but spotting red blood is not normal hun. Everytime you experience spotting you will need to contact your doctor for a examination and to make sure the pregnancy is safe.

First off, try not to freak out regardless because stress will only make things worse. Second, every woman and every pregnancy is different, even doctors disagree on how much blood should be present before you go in for a checkup. I've had 3 healthy babies and 2 miscarriages and being an army wife I've had several OBGYN's so I can tell you there is no black or white on this subject, period. If you are worried, CALL YOUR DOCTOR and they will tell you their medical opinion. Sometimes women bleed in pregnancy for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with the health of the baby (such as spotting after intercourse) and go on to have normal deliveries. Sometimes there are no warning signs at all and the baby doesn't make it. The ONLY ONLY ONLY way to know for sure whether your baby is healthy or not is to do bloodwork and a sonogram, and the only person that can answer all these questions is a medical doctor or a midwife that knows your history and your pregnancy.

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14y ago

it depends on where you are in you pregnancy. at the start it is normal and at the end as it is a sign of labour. there should be nothing to worry about if its a one off with no pain, but as always with pregnancy its better to get checked out better safe then sorry!!!

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13y ago

Spotting in the first trimester is actually quite normal. Usually it is from implantation, and can occur for weeks following actual iimplantation. As long as the bleeding doesn't become heavy, or is accompanied with cramps, you have nothing to worry about.

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12y ago

yes. But its better to go for checkup every month before the due date.

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If a woman is in her first trimester and after sex she is spotting a bit is the baby okay?

Yes, they are fine. The baby will be OK.

Are backache and cramping normal in the first trimester?

backaches yes cramping is ok as long there is no spotting

Is spotting after straining on the toilet normal in the first trimester?

No, spotting after straining on the toilet is not normal in the first trimester. Any spotting or bleeding during pregnancy is not considered to be normal. While it could be implantation bleeding, it would be wise to get examined by your doctor or obstetrician.

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Spotting is not an indicator of twins. Many women with a single fetus spot during the first trimester.

Getting Hit in Side During the First trimester?

Depends on the severity of the blow and what actually hits you. Once you are ok, and there are no signs of bleeding or spotting and the baby carries on developing as normal, then you should be ok. I hope you are well, it worries me seeing questions like that!!

How much is too much spotting during first trimester?

Yes, perfectly normal. It's called implantation bleeding.

Is slight cramping normal in the first trimester?

Yes cramping is normal during the first trimester. Its due to the baby growing and stretching you internally which is why you have cramps. Any bloody discharge, or spotting or sharp cramps should be reported to your doctor.

Is it safe to eat Pineapple in first trimester pregnancy?

To the best of my knowledge pineapple is always OK.

Can overexertion or strain cause spotting during the first trimester?

Yes, if you are spotting you need to take it easy for a few days, also if you have any type of bleeding or spotting you shouldn't have sex until 7 days after the spotting stops. you should also let your doctor know, spotting in early pregnancy is common but doctors like to document everything.

Is it normal to have cramping like you would with your period in the first trimester if you're at risk for a miscarriage and you're not spotting and the ultrasound shows a gestational sac?

Yes its absolutely normal to feel period like systems in the first trimester. Don't panic, relax...its your uterus stretching.

What is the color of the spotting?

i hope this answers your can be light pink or brown, if it is red in anyway tell your doctor immediately!!! spotting during the first trimester of pregnancy is common. im 7 weeks and i have been spotting the past 2 days and the doctor told me that it was normal.

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